Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Jesus Party!

Today we celebrated Jesus at my school with a Happy Birthday Jesus Party!

First things first - presents!
This year I had fun making gifts and cards for my teachers
These were easy peasy.  
Some clear ornaments, some paint, shake, tie a ribbon
...and presto - Cool Ornaments!

This was one of my favorite ornaments for one of my favorite teachers!

Mommy and I also got crafty with homemade cards.
My favorite was the Santa card...partly because I got to eat
marshmallows while making it!

a little note inside, with my John Hancock, aka my signature:)
(I think I'm getting pretty good at signing my name!)

 This party was my first introduction to singing programs...
let's just say - I'm not a fan of singing in front of a large group
(you can probably tell by the look on my face)
But, Mommy & Daddy did bribe me by holding up a bag of skittles half way through the show, in which I decided to humor then by shaking a bell during Jingle Bells!

I was much happier once the singing program part was over!

Me & my Mama!

Here Sloaney, have a cookie!

Thanks Sis, nom - nom:)

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