Thursday, January 8, 2015

Sloane update...

Hi, it's me...Sloane, aka - Sloaney, Nene, Toots, Noodle, etc.  So, it's been awhile since there was an update about me.  I've really grown up lately and thought the world should know what I'm up to!

At my last dr appt (15months) - I weighed in at 22lbs 9oz (the 69th percentile), and 32in tall - that's the 91st percentile for my age - Mommy hopes I continue to be tall!  As for my head - 47.8cm, that's the 94th percentile people...that means I have A LOT of brains up there!!

Speaking of brains...I've sure learned a lot of new words lately.  Sissy (aka Sayler) likes to tell me to say things...and well, I'm getting pretty good at saying stuff!  Today was a BIG day - I finally said my own name!  I've been calling myself "Nene" for a bit, because Sloane is kind of hard to say...but, today I did it...I said "Sloane".  I also said "Sayler"...some other words I say, but am not limited to are: Daddy, Mommy, Sissy, Bella, Purdy, Hi, Bye, Night-night, Happy, Hotdog, Eat, Down, Need you, Love you, Thank you, Sorry, Ball, Memmie (which means Minnie), Donald, Daisy, Elmo, Abby, Big Bird, Dora, Anna, Olaf, Peek-a-boo, No, Yea (that's one of my favorites - better than no, right?), Puppy, Kitty, Owl, Milk, Cheese, Go, Book, Pee-pee, Poopy (those last two are important!), Shoe, Sock, Pant, Teeth, Bubble, Lambie (that's my binky's name - which mama and dada keep telling me I have to get rid of, we'll see about that!), Baby (I also LOVE playing with my baby dolls - see photo below.  Mommy says not to get any ideas, 2 is enough!), I also know lots of animal sounds - neigh, meow, baa, eee-eee (monkey), ribbit, hop-hop...and lots and lots more (I repeat most things that people ask me be careful what you say)!

Some other things about me...though, I got off to a little late start walking (about 13 1/2 months)...I'm moving really fast now...pretty much running!  And my favorite thing to do...DANCE!  My favorite songs are: "Happy", "Best Day of my Life", and Mickey's Hotdog song!  I love twirling around...and I'll be honest, I'm a good booty shaker!  I can go up/down the stairs on my own...though, I think Mommy is still scared to let me do this unattended...she'll come around!

I love hanging out with my Sissy, she teaches me lots and we make each other laugh all the time!

A new interest of mine is this thing they call the "potty"'s pretty cool, Elmo talks to me when I go (or when I try).  See photo of these days I'll actually use it, instead of just sitting on it!

Below is a little photo session from my 15 month birthday!

I'm always in motion!

Then I got shy...

But, Minnie was there to make me happy again!

And we can't forget about Patches

I love you Patches.

 I also love reading...especially when it's a Mickey book!

And some more cute pictures of me...change of scenery...and pants 
(Mommy is obsessed with legwarmers)!

This is called breakdancing, I believe.

And kick!

And splits!

 Mommy, Look at me!

Wait, don't look at me!

Ok, that's enough for today...get me off of here!

 Mommy, thought this picture was cute.
So, here you go...I love my babies!

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