Friday, December 30, 2011

Viral Friday

Thumbs Up For Rock and Roll!

I was impressed with this little boys positive attitude.  I like his message of never quiting and made me believe someday I too will ride a bike.  I feels good to end the year with such a motivating video. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', I got myself a rollin'...YAHOO!

Well, today I hit a major milestone...I rolled over all by myself from my tummy to my back for the first time!  It kind of startled me at first...but, then I decided it was kind of fun!  Next up...rolling from my back to my tummy, stay tuned!

14 Weeks

Sad to say but this is my last full week with Mommy.  She has to go back to work starting the beginning of the new year.  She has been the best Mommy ever.  She's great at getting me to giggle.  I love those late nights we had filled with girl talk.  (While Daddy snored away)  Mommy was the best cuddler, she never wants to put me down.  I feel so warm and safe in her arms.  I hope Daddy does a good job teaching me new things, because Mommy has taught me so much.  I will miss our days together.  It will only make me appreciate her that much more. 

Somebodys got some new workout clothes. 

Time for a little cool down.  I just did 120 push ups. 

Golly gee look at me. 

Ridin' pretty.

I know I shouldn't but I want to suck on my toes. 

Mommy said "ick" to sucking on toes.

I put this one in because I think I look cute. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Christmas, It's Finally Christmas!

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Purdy wasn't stirring, but Bella sure was. 
The stockings were hung along the staircase with care,
in hopes that I would have one by next year. 

I was all nestled in my swaddle along side my parents bed,
with visions of puppies and kitten cats dancing in my head. 
And Mommy in her PJs and Daddy in his shorts,
Had just settled down for for a long winter's nap.

When out on the stairs there arose such a clatter,
I wanted to spring from my bed, but Daddy went instead
to see what was the matter.
Away down the hallway Daddy stumbled,
flipped on the light switch,
and tripped on the Bumbo.

 When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
just Bella licking her rear.

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on Donner and Blitzen!
(Hey, what about Rudolph?)

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
Maybe they should wear Reindeer mittens
to keep down the clatter.
As I tosed my head to and fro, while rubbing my scalp bald,
Down the Chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
(St Nicholas = Santa for those of you who didn't know)

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Good-Night!

I hoped you liked my little personal touches. 

Our first Christmas family photo.  (Photo taken later in the day)

Opening my first Christmas gift ever.(Acutally Mommy helped open it)
  It was a Mozart cube that played sweet classical music. 

 My second gift was a light up stacker.  (neat)

This was my third present, it is an Octotunes musical toy. 
Each of the legs is a horn that plays a different note.   

I bet you thought I was going to show a picture of me opening each
and everyone of my presents didn't you?

Daddy wanted to help open some of my presents.
I bet this one is a book.

Yup, it was a book.

Daddy actually looks awake.

Mommy took me back and she asked Daddy to take
 better pictures, but he didn't do his best.

Bella silly kitty you're not a present.  

Close up baby in black and white. 
 I don't know what Daddy was doing.

I had to take off my Christmas PJs because I spit up all over myself. 
I guess I was a little too excited about all my presents.  

After a quick outfig change,
 here I am trying out my new jumper.

After opening presents from family and Santa at home, we got ready to go down the road to have Christmas dinner with my Aunt Melissa's parents. 
Me and my cousins. 

Wait is that Santa on the roof again?  Nope, I was just looking at the ceiling fan,
 and Daddy joined.  (man I love those things)

The Family pic. 

Thank you everyone that got me gifts.  I am blessed to have such great friends and family.  Thanks Mimi, Grandpa, and uncle Matt.  Thanks Grandma Bugs.  Thanks Papa, and Grandma Kroll.  Thanks Aunt Lynn, Uncle Garrett, Jaxson, Kaelee, Liam and Tenley.  Thanks Aunt Helen, Uncle Rod, and Owen. Thanks Uncle Justin, Aunt Melissa, Harper and Maida. Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa Kroll. Thanks Walla Family and Lauck Family.  Thanks Sara, Chris, and Avery. Thanks Dave and Nancy.  Thanks Aunt Cheri, Uncle Ed, Brendan, and Erin.  Thanks Mommy and Daddy. Thanks Santa

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3 Months

OK lets see what have I accomplished the first 3 months of my life.  I made it through trick -or-treating during Halloween, and saw my Nebraska family during Thanksgiving.  I think I like Halloween better since I get to dress up and get candy. (unfortunately I have a little while to go before I can eat candy)  However, I have heard a lot about Christmas, and the presents and all the magic of jolly old St Nick.  I think Christmas is going to trump all holidays.  Of course once I fall in love I might like Valentines Day. (hee hee, sorry dad)

Lets see what else have I done?  Ohh, I had probably my worst day yet, when I had to go to the pediatrician for my two month check up.  First of all the doctor was a hour late, and being late is not a good thing for babies.  Good news is that the doctor said I was a healthy girl, and she couldn't stop saying how cute I was.  Then I had to wait again, and then came the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad part......the shots.  The shots were the most painful thing I every experienced.  I think I freaked out Mommy and Daddy because I was screaming so loud.  Luckily the shots were over quick and I got some milk right afterwards. 

There has been many changes going on with my development in these first 3 months.  I successfully sat in my Bumbo chair, but only for a short while until my head gets to heavy to hold up.  I have strengthened my grip on things such as my toys.  I like to bring my toys to my month, and get them all slobbery.  I like to kick a lot when laying down.  I am already telling my Daddy what I want through my coos (baby talk).  Mommy can get me to giggle, but only when she acts silly.  When someone is holding me up I can stand on my own legs.  This makes me feel tall.    Tummy time is getting more and more enjoyable.  I bet soon I will be able to roll over.

Ohh yeah, one more stat:

Number of times pooped on Daddy: 2
Number of times pooped on Mommy: 1

Looks like Mommy is winning. 

Well that might be it for now, time for some pictures.  Please keep the awes to a minimum.   

It's me in my owly hat,  which happens to be a lot tighter now.

I shouldn't have to workout yet,
since I am a baby right?
Just grabbing my love handles.
Just checking how much of me there is to love. 

I heard about this new yoga pose.
I hope I'm doing it right?

Cute happy baby!

I think Mommy just found her new Facebook profile picture.

Or maybe she can use this one. 

It's a pretend ice cream cone, do you want a lick?

Mommy really likes this photo because
 my belly is rolling over. 

Do I photograph well or what?

13 Weeks

See I told you I would see you soon. 
Don't worry about the lack of text, I will have plenty to say on my 3 month post.

One of my first closeups.

Gosh darn I'm a cute baby!

Whatcha' say?  The bunny was playing with the bear?  Get out of town!

I was all smiles today. 

New wardrobe same cute smile.

How proper.  Mommy said I cracked her up with this expression, I don't know what she's talking about! ;)

Karate chop as Mimi would say.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Viral Friday

Here is a song my Daddy sings to me every once in a while.  He sang it a lot when I was first born.  It makes me smile. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why You No Smile Santa?

So I went to see Santa for the first time today.  It was an experiece to say the least.  I was calm, cool, and didn't have a single worry - I mean, I was meeting Santa for the first time - how awesome is that?!  I needed to be on my best behavior, because I didn't want to end up on the "naughty list." But, I can't say the same thing for the little boy that was behind us in line.   He was naughty and thought he could do anything he wanted.  First he tried to cut ahead of me (how rude).  Then he kept on encroaching on us, and practically pushing us down Santa Lane.  I was happy when Santa's elf put him in his place.  The funny thing is, this little boy got scared of Santa when he sat on his lap (wimp, hee hee). 

I had no troubles sitting on Santa's lap.  Something about him gave me that deer in the headlights look though.  I didn't want to smile at all nor did he - what's up with that?  I thought Santa was supposed to be jolly!.  Santa had a couple elves that tried to get me to smile, but in the end it was Mommy who got me to smile (I heart Mommy)!  So, at 3 months I wasn't able to tell Santa what I wanted for Christmas - or was I?  I guess that's for only me and Santa to know!.  Though, all I really want for Christmas is peace, love, and happiness. 

I figure I will ask for plenty of toys in the years ahead. 

Mommy and me in the enchanted forest of the North Pole. 

Daddy and me just outside Santa's house (this time Daddy has the deer in headlights look!). 

Insider tip, this shot took multiple, multiple attempts, and
 see what I mean about non-jolly Santa?!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Weeks

So, I'm 12 weeks old, or 2160 hours old, or 129600 minutes old all on the same day.  Busy day, hey does anybody know how much models make an hour?

Starting off with the happiest baby around. 

Then the cutest baby around.

Lean back.

Stickin tongue out

Mommy just told me a funny joke...I don't really remember the punch line, and I'm not sure she did either, but we got a good laugh!

Then she told me a ghost story.

Then we danced. 

Stickin my tonuge out again.
see you really soon for my 3 month photo shoot. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bumbo Time!

Well, my first Bumbo experience required a little help from my Daddy...he was worried about my head bobbling around too much!

But, only a day later (I'm progressive) and I was sitting up all by myself - no more worries Daddy! 
My thoughts:  "OMG I'm doing this on my own!"