Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why You No Smile Santa?

So I went to see Santa for the first time today.  It was an experiece to say the least.  I was calm, cool, and didn't have a single worry - I mean, I was meeting Santa for the first time - how awesome is that?!  I needed to be on my best behavior, because I didn't want to end up on the "naughty list." But, I can't say the same thing for the little boy that was behind us in line.   He was naughty and thought he could do anything he wanted.  First he tried to cut ahead of me (how rude).  Then he kept on encroaching on us, and practically pushing us down Santa Lane.  I was happy when Santa's elf put him in his place.  The funny thing is, this little boy got scared of Santa when he sat on his lap (wimp, hee hee). 

I had no troubles sitting on Santa's lap.  Something about him gave me that deer in the headlights look though.  I didn't want to smile at all nor did he - what's up with that?  I thought Santa was supposed to be jolly!.  Santa had a couple elves that tried to get me to smile, but in the end it was Mommy who got me to smile (I heart Mommy)!  So, at 3 months I wasn't able to tell Santa what I wanted for Christmas - or was I?  I guess that's for only me and Santa to know!.  Though, all I really want for Christmas is peace, love, and happiness. 

I figure I will ask for plenty of toys in the years ahead. 

Mommy and me in the enchanted forest of the North Pole. 

Daddy and me just outside Santa's house (this time Daddy has the deer in headlights look!). 

Insider tip, this shot took multiple, multiple attempts, and
 see what I mean about non-jolly Santa?!

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