Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Christmas, It's Finally Christmas!

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Purdy wasn't stirring, but Bella sure was. 
The stockings were hung along the staircase with care,
in hopes that I would have one by next year. 

I was all nestled in my swaddle along side my parents bed,
with visions of puppies and kitten cats dancing in my head. 
And Mommy in her PJs and Daddy in his shorts,
Had just settled down for for a long winter's nap.

When out on the stairs there arose such a clatter,
I wanted to spring from my bed, but Daddy went instead
to see what was the matter.
Away down the hallway Daddy stumbled,
flipped on the light switch,
and tripped on the Bumbo.

 When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
just Bella licking her rear.

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on Donner and Blitzen!
(Hey, what about Rudolph?)

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
Maybe they should wear Reindeer mittens
to keep down the clatter.
As I tosed my head to and fro, while rubbing my scalp bald,
Down the Chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
(St Nicholas = Santa for those of you who didn't know)

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Good-Night!

I hoped you liked my little personal touches. 

Our first Christmas family photo.  (Photo taken later in the day)

Opening my first Christmas gift ever.(Acutally Mommy helped open it)
  It was a Mozart cube that played sweet classical music. 

 My second gift was a light up stacker.  (neat)

This was my third present, it is an Octotunes musical toy. 
Each of the legs is a horn that plays a different note.   

I bet you thought I was going to show a picture of me opening each
and everyone of my presents didn't you?

Daddy wanted to help open some of my presents.
I bet this one is a book.

Yup, it was a book.

Daddy actually looks awake.

Mommy took me back and she asked Daddy to take
 better pictures, but he didn't do his best.

Bella silly kitty you're not a present.  

Close up baby in black and white. 
 I don't know what Daddy was doing.

I had to take off my Christmas PJs because I spit up all over myself. 
I guess I was a little too excited about all my presents.  

After a quick outfig change,
 here I am trying out my new jumper.

After opening presents from family and Santa at home, we got ready to go down the road to have Christmas dinner with my Aunt Melissa's parents. 
Me and my cousins. 

Wait is that Santa on the roof again?  Nope, I was just looking at the ceiling fan,
 and Daddy joined.  (man I love those things)

The Family pic. 

Thank you everyone that got me gifts.  I am blessed to have such great friends and family.  Thanks Mimi, Grandpa, and uncle Matt.  Thanks Grandma Bugs.  Thanks Papa, and Grandma Kroll.  Thanks Aunt Lynn, Uncle Garrett, Jaxson, Kaelee, Liam and Tenley.  Thanks Aunt Helen, Uncle Rod, and Owen. Thanks Uncle Justin, Aunt Melissa, Harper and Maida. Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa Kroll. Thanks Walla Family and Lauck Family.  Thanks Sara, Chris, and Avery. Thanks Dave and Nancy.  Thanks Aunt Cheri, Uncle Ed, Brendan, and Erin.  Thanks Mommy and Daddy. Thanks Santa

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