Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3 Months

OK lets see what have I accomplished the first 3 months of my life.  I made it through trick -or-treating during Halloween, and saw my Nebraska family during Thanksgiving.  I think I like Halloween better since I get to dress up and get candy. (unfortunately I have a little while to go before I can eat candy)  However, I have heard a lot about Christmas, and the presents and all the magic of jolly old St Nick.  I think Christmas is going to trump all holidays.  Of course once I fall in love I might like Valentines Day. (hee hee, sorry dad)

Lets see what else have I done?  Ohh, I had probably my worst day yet, when I had to go to the pediatrician for my two month check up.  First of all the doctor was a hour late, and being late is not a good thing for babies.  Good news is that the doctor said I was a healthy girl, and she couldn't stop saying how cute I was.  Then I had to wait again, and then came the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad part......the shots.  The shots were the most painful thing I every experienced.  I think I freaked out Mommy and Daddy because I was screaming so loud.  Luckily the shots were over quick and I got some milk right afterwards. 

There has been many changes going on with my development in these first 3 months.  I successfully sat in my Bumbo chair, but only for a short while until my head gets to heavy to hold up.  I have strengthened my grip on things such as my toys.  I like to bring my toys to my month, and get them all slobbery.  I like to kick a lot when laying down.  I am already telling my Daddy what I want through my coos (baby talk).  Mommy can get me to giggle, but only when she acts silly.  When someone is holding me up I can stand on my own legs.  This makes me feel tall.    Tummy time is getting more and more enjoyable.  I bet soon I will be able to roll over.

Ohh yeah, one more stat:

Number of times pooped on Daddy: 2
Number of times pooped on Mommy: 1

Looks like Mommy is winning. 

Well that might be it for now, time for some pictures.  Please keep the awes to a minimum.   

It's me in my owly hat,  which happens to be a lot tighter now.

I shouldn't have to workout yet,
since I am a baby right?
Just grabbing my love handles.
Just checking how much of me there is to love. 

I heard about this new yoga pose.
I hope I'm doing it right?

Cute happy baby!

I think Mommy just found her new Facebook profile picture.

Or maybe she can use this one. 

It's a pretend ice cream cone, do you want a lick?

Mommy really likes this photo because
 my belly is rolling over. 

Do I photograph well or what?

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