Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Quest For My New Car Seat.

Today was a quest to to get me my new car seat.  We tried a couple seats and they all felt the same to me.  Daddy did some research and discovered this one brand was just a little bit better than the others.  This one employee came by and answered all my Daddy's questions.  He thought Daddy was funny (just like I do).  Daddy gave him the hard question on why we shouldn't buy the particular seat they were looking at.  It appears that question was so intriguing that Mychael (yes, with a "y") thought I deserved a free photo shoot session (the picture will be posted at a later date).  Oh, and to answer my Daddy's question...Mychael saw no reason why we shouldn't buy that particular car seat!  So, after what felt like about 2hrs in Babies R Us, I had a new carseat, baby food, some new clothes, a toy (for being so patient) and some photos on the way!

Minus the tattoo, I'm pretty sure this is what
Mychael from Babies R Us looked like! 
He can't fool me by going by the name
Mychael instead of Mike, nice try buddy!

Or maybe he looked like this.  It was hard to tell
since he was wearing a shirt. 
1. Mike Tyson Punchout

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

40 Weeks

Am I the best baby air guitarist ever or what?

Do the monster mash.

Peek a who?  Peek a choo choo.  

Hi.  See I like to wave now.  

I was a little happier down on the floor.  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birthday Party

It was a very unhappy birthday(not really) to me.  No, not my birthday party, but my new friend Arianna.  But guess what, Mommy is already planning my birthday party (or at least that's what I have been told).  Arianna is the daughter of a friend of Mommy's.

Look at those rosie cheeks.

Me and my new bestie.  

She's pretty cool, but she did get in my personal space a couple times.
 I guess she wanted to play with the buttons on my dress.  

Just testing out this bouncey house.  Not sure what to think
 of it yet, but seems fun.  

It was so much fun I couldn't resist.  

No really, I'm having fun.  

Mommy joined in on the fun.  Squirrel.   
I saw a squirrel over there.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Fun Day With The Family II

We decided to get some lunch after dinner, so we headed to Wynkoop.  I think Aquarium the Shark (that's Owen's shark hat's name) had the best lunch, as he was eating Owen's chicken strips, some of Sayler's "astronaut" food, and a couple bits of Mommy's burger.  We filled up quickly and decided to head up north to the Butterfly Pavillion.  Not only did I see butterflies, but I saw beetles, spiders, and other creepy crawlies.  They even had a little under the sea exhibit with fish and other crustacians.  Unfortunately is was a hot day, so Mommy and Daddy didn't want to stay too long in the butterfly land.  Maybe we can go back some day when its cooler, and play with all the colorful butterflies for a bit longer next time. 

I was a little amprehensive about all these butterflies. 

Uhh, have you seen any

This butterfly was attacking

Ohh, I tried to touch the

Don't worry Mommy, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for

Look I'm a catepillar.
Eeks, it looks like a snake is licking me!

Looky here Owen held a real
live tarantula.  Aunt Helen also held it.
Too bad Mommy and Grandma Bugs were too
scared to hold it.  

Daddy held it also, its name
was Rosie.

My Mommy turned into
a butterfly.  

Let me see, I want to be a butterfly. 

This butterfly was attacking Owen (I think it was getting his butt),
I think it was the same butterfly that was
getting Mommy. 

I have no idea what Daddy is doing here.

Daddy can I touch this butterfly?

The blacknight of butterflies
(Mommy joked of all the butterflies Daddy 
could take a picture of...he choses the black one!). 

Don't I look marvelous. 

Pretty flower.  

Saturday Fun Day With The Family

This had to have been my busiest day ever.  It seemed like we just kept going and going.  I'm suprised I even got a nap.  We started the morning off with a visit to the Denver Aquarium.  I was happy, Mommy was excited, Daddy well he has been there once before with one of his college friends.  I've never seen a fish before, and it took me a little while before I understood what I was looking at.  I loved the little fishys once I figured out what there were. 

This is captain Owen, explorer of the ocean deeps. 

Help me, I'm under water. 

Wow, this is one big fish tank.  Amazing. 

How many sea horses do you see?

Help I'm under water again. 

 Captian Owen to the resuce. 

I don't know why, but this was my favorite
fish tank.  There was a fishy that
really liked me. 

OMG, I think this fish wanted
to kiss me (or eat me). 

Bronco fish. 

Man I keep on getting stuck under water. 

Cool, its Crush from Finding Nemo. 

Daddy get me out of here, I'm scared. 

Now me & Mommy under water. 

Doesn't this look like a
baby Ugg boot?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Last Piece of The Family Puz

Finally Grandma Bugs, Aunt Helen, and Owen came to visit (not sure who this Uncle Rod is yet).  It so happens that Owen is my number one fan.  He practically memorized some of my favorite blog posts, and he is only 7.  One day during their visit I wore my tennis outfit (week 35), and he was pretending to be me asking Patches to play a game of tennis (you should have seen the pose he struck).  Owen was very entertaining to watch and listen to.  He knew lots of interesting pieces of information.  It was a fun weekend hanging out with my family.  Too bad they brought the desert heat with them when they came up (100+ degrees for 5 days straight). 

Grandma Bugs said I reminder her of my Aunt Helen.  

(do you see the resemblance?)

Aunt Helen is pretty cool.
  I was teaching her to play the drums. 

Owen why are you making that face, this is supposed to be
a serious family photo.  Hey Grandma Bugs squeeze in.  

Ok I admit, making faces is funny, I want to join.  

I was more focused once I had my ducky, and
when Owen was helping Mommy take the photo.

Funny thing is I'm making the same face as Owen, but
you can't see it because of my ducky.

After dinner we headed to this awesome playground. 
Daddy and Owen playing on a giant monkey gymnasium. 

This is the first time I went swinging without sitting on 
Mommy or Daddy's lap. 

This looks like a cool monkey swing.  

Daddy! Quit showing my Michelin Man legs.