Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Fun Day With The Family

This had to have been my busiest day ever.  It seemed like we just kept going and going.  I'm suprised I even got a nap.  We started the morning off with a visit to the Denver Aquarium.  I was happy, Mommy was excited, Daddy well he has been there once before with one of his college friends.  I've never seen a fish before, and it took me a little while before I understood what I was looking at.  I loved the little fishys once I figured out what there were. 

This is captain Owen, explorer of the ocean deeps. 

Help me, I'm under water. 

Wow, this is one big fish tank.  Amazing. 

How many sea horses do you see?

Help I'm under water again. 

 Captian Owen to the resuce. 

I don't know why, but this was my favorite
fish tank.  There was a fishy that
really liked me. 

OMG, I think this fish wanted
to kiss me (or eat me). 

Bronco fish. 

Man I keep on getting stuck under water. 

Cool, its Crush from Finding Nemo. 

Daddy get me out of here, I'm scared. 

Now me & Mommy under water. 

Doesn't this look like a
baby Ugg boot?

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