Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Quest For My New Car Seat.

Today was a quest to to get me my new car seat.  We tried a couple seats and they all felt the same to me.  Daddy did some research and discovered this one brand was just a little bit better than the others.  This one employee came by and answered all my Daddy's questions.  He thought Daddy was funny (just like I do).  Daddy gave him the hard question on why we shouldn't buy the particular seat they were looking at.  It appears that question was so intriguing that Mychael (yes, with a "y") thought I deserved a free photo shoot session (the picture will be posted at a later date).  Oh, and to answer my Daddy's question...Mychael saw no reason why we shouldn't buy that particular car seat!  So, after what felt like about 2hrs in Babies R Us, I had a new carseat, baby food, some new clothes, a toy (for being so patient) and some photos on the way!

Minus the tattoo, I'm pretty sure this is what
Mychael from Babies R Us looked like! 
He can't fool me by going by the name
Mychael instead of Mike, nice try buddy!

Or maybe he looked like this.  It was hard to tell
since he was wearing a shirt. 
1. Mike Tyson Punchout

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