Friday, June 22, 2012

Last Piece of The Family Puz

Finally Grandma Bugs, Aunt Helen, and Owen came to visit (not sure who this Uncle Rod is yet).  It so happens that Owen is my number one fan.  He practically memorized some of my favorite blog posts, and he is only 7.  One day during their visit I wore my tennis outfit (week 35), and he was pretending to be me asking Patches to play a game of tennis (you should have seen the pose he struck).  Owen was very entertaining to watch and listen to.  He knew lots of interesting pieces of information.  It was a fun weekend hanging out with my family.  Too bad they brought the desert heat with them when they came up (100+ degrees for 5 days straight). 

Grandma Bugs said I reminder her of my Aunt Helen.  

(do you see the resemblance?)

Aunt Helen is pretty cool.
  I was teaching her to play the drums. 

Owen why are you making that face, this is supposed to be
a serious family photo.  Hey Grandma Bugs squeeze in.  

Ok I admit, making faces is funny, I want to join.  

I was more focused once I had my ducky, and
when Owen was helping Mommy take the photo.

Funny thing is I'm making the same face as Owen, but
you can't see it because of my ducky.

After dinner we headed to this awesome playground. 
Daddy and Owen playing on a giant monkey gymnasium. 

This is the first time I went swinging without sitting on 
Mommy or Daddy's lap. 

This looks like a cool monkey swing.  

Daddy! Quit showing my Michelin Man legs.  

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