Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Fun Day With The Family II

We decided to get some lunch after dinner, so we headed to Wynkoop.  I think Aquarium the Shark (that's Owen's shark hat's name) had the best lunch, as he was eating Owen's chicken strips, some of Sayler's "astronaut" food, and a couple bits of Mommy's burger.  We filled up quickly and decided to head up north to the Butterfly Pavillion.  Not only did I see butterflies, but I saw beetles, spiders, and other creepy crawlies.  They even had a little under the sea exhibit with fish and other crustacians.  Unfortunately is was a hot day, so Mommy and Daddy didn't want to stay too long in the butterfly land.  Maybe we can go back some day when its cooler, and play with all the colorful butterflies for a bit longer next time. 

I was a little amprehensive about all these butterflies. 

Uhh, have you seen any

This butterfly was attacking

Ohh, I tried to touch the

Don't worry Mommy, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for

Look I'm a catepillar.
Eeks, it looks like a snake is licking me!

Looky here Owen held a real
live tarantula.  Aunt Helen also held it.
Too bad Mommy and Grandma Bugs were too
scared to hold it.  

Daddy held it also, its name
was Rosie.

My Mommy turned into
a butterfly.  

Let me see, I want to be a butterfly. 

This butterfly was attacking Owen (I think it was getting his butt),
I think it was the same butterfly that was
getting Mommy. 

I have no idea what Daddy is doing here.

Daddy can I touch this butterfly?

The blacknight of butterflies
(Mommy joked of all the butterflies Daddy 
could take a picture of...he choses the black one!). 

Don't I look marvelous. 

Pretty flower.  

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