Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Happy New Years!

This is the first time I went out for New Years.  We went over to Chris, Sara, and Avery's house to celebrate the ball drop.  This was my second sleep over in a weeks time.  I got to play with some new toys. 
Everybody ate some good food (I stuck with my usual).  I made sure that I woke up bright an early so Daddy had to play with me in the morning.  

Avery and I started stacking Lego's. 

We had great teamwork.  

After play time Sara had us go upstairs to take some photos.
I didn't want to wear the new years hat. 

I thought maybe I would try the hat. 

 How does the hat look like this?

Play that tune Avery, and take off this hat Mommy. 

Happy New Year's dog

I hope everyone had an awesome night.  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hide n' Seek

I was playing hide n' seek with Mommy and Daddy. 
 I guess they found me, but I'm getting pretty good at it.  
So far I only have 3 or 4 places that I know to hide.  The only problems are I don't like to stay still for too long and I keep on saying "hide, hide, hide" over and over until I'm found.  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sleepover Time!

We had so much fun at my cousins house on Christmas we decided to do it again.  This time we got to spend the night.  That way I got to squeeze in a couple more hours of play time with my cousins.  

We played some dress up.  Maida was a fairy princess, and I was
a butterfly girl.  

Maida was making a funny face.  

I had to play on the trampoline with my
butterfly wings on.

I was trying on some bracelets.  

Yes, I will take these please.  

After that I went to the slide.  
This is the face of determination. 


We headed upstairs for dinner after playing downstairs on the trampoline, the slide, and their fairy castle.  I really like playing with the fairy castle.  I think I need to get one.  I liked peeking through the windows, getting scared as someone else popped their heads through.  I even liked crawling through the windows, yes I crawled through a couple times with Daddy's help.  (That was his mistake)

It started to get a little crazy once Aunt Melissa cranked up the music.  
I told everyone to get up here and dance.  

This was an awesome night.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rubber Ducky

While taking a bath, Mommy noticed how much my hair has grown.  

Look at my Mohawk!

 I was trying to wink, or I had soap in my eyes.  

Hee, hee, hee.  

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I woke up Christmas morning to a fresh dusting of snow all around.  Daddy and Mommy made sure that there was even snow flakes inside, falling from the ceiling.  It was the making to a perfect white Christmas.  I was ready plunge into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice. 

Waking up Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought me. 
I can't believe that I slept in until 8:30. 

I opened my stocking from Santa first.  I got some maracas.  

Mommy was helping me hang my new Hello Kitty ornament 
(she was really excited).

I got a new Elmo book.  I love Elmo.  

I also got a purple sock monkey.  

I had to take a break after the stocking to eat some breakfast before we headed to church.  We were a little stretched for time.  I guess my presents had to wait for baby Jesus.  (No pictures taken at church)

I got a cool animal puzzle from my Aunt Ed and Cheri and cousins
Brendan and Erin.  I almost have all the animals memorized.  

I got a Little People barn from Mimi & Grandpa.   Mooo!

Seriously guys, are you going to take a picture of me opening each 
and every present.  Please stop.  

What could this be?

Circus time.  

Next please.

I got a zoo play set from Papa & Grandma.  Of course, 
a Little People set.

Digging at my next present.  

It's a Sing-a-ma-jig.  Thanks Aunt Helen, Uncle Rod, and Owen.  

Total chaos.   

Kitchen time!  Thanks again Mimi & grandpa.

Making some Christmas pizza.

Next stop was to go over to Harper and Maida's house to see the rest of my Colorado family.  I really didn't want to leave my new kitchen though.  Luckily I decided to take a nap on the way there as it would be my only nap for the day.  Woo, Christmas.

I tried out Maida's Y bike.  

I got really good, so good I was just a blur.  

This thing is pretty cool.  Wink Wink Mommy and Daddy.  

Maida liked playing with my new
Catch Me If You Can Kitty.

I liked playing with my cousin's slide.  

Uncle Justin wanted to give us kids a 
Christmas hug.  

Friday, December 14, 2012


Today was the start of a weekend in Breckenridge to spend some time in the mountains with my cousins.  I wonder what we will do?!  Maybe I will sled down my first hill, or ski down my first bunny slope.  I thought about ice skating, but decided against it.  All these things sound great, but all I wanted to do was stay in the house.  It was too cold, brrrr.

We aren't loving the snowy sled rid.

Mommy have fun in the snow.  

Daddy's loving it.

Daddy making a snow angel.   

I decided to help Mommy make hers.  

Look at our angel.

I don't know what was going on here.

It looks like we are starting to get into a fight.  

Us girls were playing with my blocks.  

The next day we practiced playing doctor on Daddy.  
I think Daddy was a little worried about the shot. 

Maida wanted to cut my Daddy's hair.  

Daddy let me check your pulse.  

Don't worry Daddy ears are my specialty.  
