Friday, December 14, 2012


Today was the start of a weekend in Breckenridge to spend some time in the mountains with my cousins.  I wonder what we will do?!  Maybe I will sled down my first hill, or ski down my first bunny slope.  I thought about ice skating, but decided against it.  All these things sound great, but all I wanted to do was stay in the house.  It was too cold, brrrr.

We aren't loving the snowy sled rid.

Mommy have fun in the snow.  

Daddy's loving it.

Daddy making a snow angel.   

I decided to help Mommy make hers.  

Look at our angel.

I don't know what was going on here.

It looks like we are starting to get into a fight.  

Us girls were playing with my blocks.  

The next day we practiced playing doctor on Daddy.  
I think Daddy was a little worried about the shot. 

Maida wanted to cut my Daddy's hair.  

Daddy let me check your pulse.  

Don't worry Daddy ears are my specialty.  


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