Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I woke up Christmas morning to a fresh dusting of snow all around.  Daddy and Mommy made sure that there was even snow flakes inside, falling from the ceiling.  It was the making to a perfect white Christmas.  I was ready plunge into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice. 

Waking up Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought me. 
I can't believe that I slept in until 8:30. 

I opened my stocking from Santa first.  I got some maracas.  

Mommy was helping me hang my new Hello Kitty ornament 
(she was really excited).

I got a new Elmo book.  I love Elmo.  

I also got a purple sock monkey.  

I had to take a break after the stocking to eat some breakfast before we headed to church.  We were a little stretched for time.  I guess my presents had to wait for baby Jesus.  (No pictures taken at church)

I got a cool animal puzzle from my Aunt Ed and Cheri and cousins
Brendan and Erin.  I almost have all the animals memorized.  

I got a Little People barn from Mimi & Grandpa.   Mooo!

Seriously guys, are you going to take a picture of me opening each 
and every present.  Please stop.  

What could this be?

Circus time.  

Next please.

I got a zoo play set from Papa & Grandma.  Of course, 
a Little People set.

Digging at my next present.  

It's a Sing-a-ma-jig.  Thanks Aunt Helen, Uncle Rod, and Owen.  

Total chaos.   

Kitchen time!  Thanks again Mimi & grandpa.

Making some Christmas pizza.

Next stop was to go over to Harper and Maida's house to see the rest of my Colorado family.  I really didn't want to leave my new kitchen though.  Luckily I decided to take a nap on the way there as it would be my only nap for the day.  Woo, Christmas.

I tried out Maida's Y bike.  

I got really good, so good I was just a blur.  

This thing is pretty cool.  Wink Wink Mommy and Daddy.  

Maida liked playing with my new
Catch Me If You Can Kitty.

I liked playing with my cousin's slide.  

Uncle Justin wanted to give us kids a 
Christmas hug.  

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