Sunday, March 31, 2013

Playgrounds, Zoos, and Family

First some pictures while at the park.  The best part was that there was I had the park to my self.  

What, what teeter totter fun. 

Tube slide of fun!


I'm steering this playground out of here. 

After a quick lunch and nap we headed to the zoo.  

Hi Mr. Elephant.  

I know I said something funny to the monkeys, but I can't 
remember what. 

Flamingos!!  I can say flamingos.

 Sittin' on the bench at the zoo.  

I was sitting in an Asian taxi.  

Hey are we taller than a giraffe?

After the zoo we headed to my cousin's house for another Easter egg hunt and some dinner. 

Me and the girls.  Wait where's Aunt Melissa?

Craft time.  


Easter was a basket full of fun things.  I quickly got on my best Easter dress after checking out what the Easter Bunny gave me.  I was so happy the Easter Bunny gave me my favorite book, plus a cool Easter book by the same author.  After I checked out my Easter loot, I was ready to go outside to show off my Easter Egg finding skills (I have been practicing for weeks).  Oh, the day didn't stop there.  We went to the park for some fun, and Mommy and Daddy promised to take me to the zoo.  Of course holidays are all about family so we stopped by my cousins house for another Easter Egg hunt and dinner.  (Pictures to come of those events)

My Easter basket from the Easter Bunny.  

Seemed like I was still asleep during the
 beginning of this video. 

I love my Easter basket.  

My favorite book!  If You Give A Pig A Party!
Thank you Easter Bunny!

Mommy you're looking awesome in those bunny ears. 

Daddy, thanks for reading me my new Easter book.

Next on the agenda was to head outside to find those eggs the 
Easter Bunny left behind.  

Oh, there was one right here. 

Wow, so many places to hide eggs.

Hello, are there any Easter Eggs over there?

One more Easter Egg. 

My Easter basket.  

Yeah, Easter treats. 

My best Justin Bieber impersonation.  

Yeah, I love money!

What's in this Easter Egg?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

If You Give A Pig A Party

Here is one of my new favorite books.  To bad it's checked out from the library, and I have to take it back tomorrow. 

Easter Eggs!

We dyed some Easter eggs today.  I think Mommy and Daddy were more excited than me.  If it wasn't for their watchful hands I would have made a mess, a big mess.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed dying an egg, but I only had an attention span to dye one egg before I was bored.   I was more about the Sesame Street stickers.  Which of course I couldn't put on the eggs since they were wet.  Then we tried the stickers again, and the eggs were eggs were to cold.  Dilemmas of a 18 month old.  

Let the Easter egg dying commence.  

Here Daddy let me help. 

I'm bored already.

Daddy was trying to get artsy with the dye.  


The golden bunny. 

Moo goes the egg cow.  

I like these egg animals.  

These eggs are awesome!

Daddy was trying a two tone egg.  

What's wrong Mommy?

Here let me do the finishing touches.  

My First Sucker

I tried my first sucker today.  I took it right out of Daddy's mouth.  It turned out that I love candy.  It was the first of my many adventures with candy.    

Tax Time

Few things in life are certain, but you can always count on paying taxes.  With that said I thought I would help Daddy out figuring our taxes.   I am not a tax adviser, but I think I'm a tax right off?

Daddy I think your 1099 is in here.

Daddy look at my tax hat.

Tax hat! Tax hat! Tax hat!

No, that's not the form I was looking for.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

18 Months

Hello March and my 18 month birthday.  That means I'm one and a half years old.  I'm officially a big girl.  That also seems to bring temper tantrums.  I wouldn't say that I'm the worst kid in the world, but I have my moments.  Otherwise my big birthday nothing exciting has really happened.  I'm trying more foods, but I like my usual's like chicken nuggets, turkey and cheese.  I have some chores around the house such as putting shoes away in the closest and cleaning up my toys when I'm done with them.  My doctor said that I have a vocabulary of a 2 year old.  The doctor told me that I'm super smart.  I really can't wait for spring days playing outside.  

I love Patches.  

You over there, yeah you.  

Hi everybody, I'd like to start the meeting with.....

I love my stuffed animal friends.  

Now Captain Peanut and Peaches can kiss.  

Watch out I'm coming to get you. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reading With Mommy

I love Parks!

Did I mention I love parks?  I really do.  My favorite part is the slides.  Whee!  I hope there are some good parks back in Nebraska.  

Me and Mommy taking on this step slide. 

Thanks for protecting me Mommy.  

Put your hands up like the ceiling can't hold us.  

Whoa, this this slide is fast.  

This is where we went next.  Yep, that's three
 stories of slides.  Bring it on.  

That's me and Mommy on the top level.