Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter was a basket full of fun things.  I quickly got on my best Easter dress after checking out what the Easter Bunny gave me.  I was so happy the Easter Bunny gave me my favorite book, plus a cool Easter book by the same author.  After I checked out my Easter loot, I was ready to go outside to show off my Easter Egg finding skills (I have been practicing for weeks).  Oh, the day didn't stop there.  We went to the park for some fun, and Mommy and Daddy promised to take me to the zoo.  Of course holidays are all about family so we stopped by my cousins house for another Easter Egg hunt and dinner.  (Pictures to come of those events)

My Easter basket from the Easter Bunny.  

Seemed like I was still asleep during the
 beginning of this video. 

I love my Easter basket.  

My favorite book!  If You Give A Pig A Party!
Thank you Easter Bunny!

Mommy you're looking awesome in those bunny ears. 

Daddy, thanks for reading me my new Easter book.

Next on the agenda was to head outside to find those eggs the 
Easter Bunny left behind.  

Oh, there was one right here. 

Wow, so many places to hide eggs.

Hello, are there any Easter Eggs over there?

One more Easter Egg. 

My Easter basket.  

Yeah, Easter treats. 

My best Justin Bieber impersonation.  

Yeah, I love money!

What's in this Easter Egg?

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