Wednesday, March 20, 2013

18 Months

Hello March and my 18 month birthday.  That means I'm one and a half years old.  I'm officially a big girl.  That also seems to bring temper tantrums.  I wouldn't say that I'm the worst kid in the world, but I have my moments.  Otherwise my big birthday nothing exciting has really happened.  I'm trying more foods, but I like my usual's like chicken nuggets, turkey and cheese.  I have some chores around the house such as putting shoes away in the closest and cleaning up my toys when I'm done with them.  My doctor said that I have a vocabulary of a 2 year old.  The doctor told me that I'm super smart.  I really can't wait for spring days playing outside.  

I love Patches.  

You over there, yeah you.  

Hi everybody, I'd like to start the meeting with.....

I love my stuffed animal friends.  

Now Captain Peanut and Peaches can kiss.  

Watch out I'm coming to get you. 

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