Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Eggs!

We dyed some Easter eggs today.  I think Mommy and Daddy were more excited than me.  If it wasn't for their watchful hands I would have made a mess, a big mess.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed dying an egg, but I only had an attention span to dye one egg before I was bored.   I was more about the Sesame Street stickers.  Which of course I couldn't put on the eggs since they were wet.  Then we tried the stickers again, and the eggs were eggs were to cold.  Dilemmas of a 18 month old.  

Let the Easter egg dying commence.  

Here Daddy let me help. 

I'm bored already.

Daddy was trying to get artsy with the dye.  


The golden bunny. 

Moo goes the egg cow.  

I like these egg animals.  

These eggs are awesome!

Daddy was trying a two tone egg.  

What's wrong Mommy?

Here let me do the finishing touches.  

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