Sunday, March 31, 2013

Playgrounds, Zoos, and Family

First some pictures while at the park.  The best part was that there was I had the park to my self.  

What, what teeter totter fun. 

Tube slide of fun!


I'm steering this playground out of here. 

After a quick lunch and nap we headed to the zoo.  

Hi Mr. Elephant.  

I know I said something funny to the monkeys, but I can't 
remember what. 

Flamingos!!  I can say flamingos.

 Sittin' on the bench at the zoo.  

I was sitting in an Asian taxi.  

Hey are we taller than a giraffe?

After the zoo we headed to my cousin's house for another Easter egg hunt and some dinner. 

Me and the girls.  Wait where's Aunt Melissa?

Craft time.  

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