Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Sandbox Is Now Open

Daddy worked hard during nap times to build this sandbox for us.  The walls are up and the sand has been thrown in.  I don't know who loves it more, Sloane or me?  I think Sloane just likes having different things to put into her mouth.  Daddy when are you going to get a top on this bad boy?  I don't want the neighborhood cats playing around in my sand.  

The first of many play times in the sandbox.  

I love my sandbox.  

Daddy, I love my new sandbox.  


Mommy what am I supposed to do with this sand?

Mommy, what are you looking at?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Reunited with Share Bear!

We went to the zoo today and I lost Share Bear for a little bit.  It was kind of a catastrophe.  But, I kept Mommy calm, don't worry.  I didn't cry, I just knew that we'd find her at lost and found...I never lost hope...and thankfully, we were reunited!
Share Bear did need a little bath after her adventures;) 

Let's hug it out!

I'll never lose you again, Share Bear!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I Choo Choo Choose You

Nothing special today, only a quick train ride. 

Family selfie. 

Motion selfie.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I learned to do Peek-a-Boo today. 

It's my new favorite thing to do.  

 Where's Sloaney?

Here I am!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sisterly Love

While Sloane was taking her 9 month photos we decided to get a few (or a lot) of pictures together.

The ups...and downs of sisterly LOVE!

Ooooouch Sloane!

Sorry Sayler, I didn't mean to...friends again?

Ok...let me give you a smooch!

How about we bring it in for a hug!?
Move over Patches!

What's that you say..?

You want another about a nose bite?!

Sloane, you're hilarious!

And so am I!!

But, seriously stop're cracking me up!

I'm trying to be serious here Sloane...don't make me laugh!

Love you Little Sis!
Love you Big Sis!

Sloane is 9 months!

Just a few 9 month stats and updates for you all.  Hmm, where to start...
At this point I have had 3.5 ear infections.  I say .5 because I had a double ear infection 2 weeks before my 9 month check up, and when I went in for my check up, only one ear cleared up with antibotics:(  What else, I've had croup where I sounded like a seal - it sounds cool, but wasn't!  Some actual cool things...I'm growing lots!  I'm already 28.5" Tall (80th percentile), and I weigh in around 18lbs 8.25oz (55th percentile)...and my head is full of knowledge at 18in (the 94th percentile)!  I'm also a serious crawler these days.  I started kicking that into gear around 7-8 months...and mommy says I'm moving at record speed now!  Look out world, next up is walking!  I'm eating lots of different foods now too.  My favorite lately has been turkey.  Some other favs are cheesy puffs (they are the best), avocado, and you can't go wrong with mac n' cheese (this is also one of my sister's favorites).

Now onto the best cuteness!  Check out some 9 month pics of me!

Wait...what?  I'm how old?!

Ok, I guess 9 months is cool!

Silly face!

Hooray, I'm 9 months!

Mommy says I'm always in motion these days.
And notice what I did to the chalk board Mommy had so nicely colored!

Patches wanted in on the photo action...I think he's shrinking.  
He's sure looking smaller these days!

See ya soon!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dadda's Day

Happy Dadda's Day!  
That's what I call my Dad now - "Dadda"...has a nice ring, doesn't it?
Sloane and I did some crafting for Dadda.  Last week we went to a 
  pottery place with Mommy and some of our friends and I painted a 
picture frame with my handprint on it, 
and Sloane painted a tile with her footprint.  Then we got crafty with cards!
Mine is the heart that I made with painted cheerios.  And Sloaney made 
the accordian one with her handprints!  And Mommy made the polka dot one!
I also picked out a cool purple polo for Dadda.  Since purple is my 
favorite, I figured it would be perfect!

I also filled out this sheet for Dadda...I think I did a really good job, 
and I think you'll all find that it's relatively accurate! :)

After gift-giving and breakfast we headed out for a hike at
Roxbourgh State Park!

The start of our hike.  

Happy Daddy's Day!  Yeah!

A Dadda and his girls.  

There was this natural sand, that I was
 practicing my heart drawing skills with.
Mommy and Dadda had a hard time getting me to leave this spot! 

Sloaney was hanging out on the deck soaking up the sun.  

Then I wanted to show everyone how good I can crawl. 

I have love for my Mommy every day.  

More walking.
I'm becoming quite the hiker these days in case you wondered!

Then we came across this cool old house on our hike.  A perfect spot
for a little break!

Shh, I was just trying to break into this house. 

Me and Sloane screaming at each other.  

I was lollygagging on the second leg of the hike.  I 
thought it was necessary to feed the baby birds rocks.  

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Block Party

The day started with some shopping for Dadda, and of course 
some ice cream. 

Then the hail came during nap time. 

It looked like it was snowing. 

X marks the spot.  

The hail was ginormous, but didn't 
wake up me or Sloane.  

Nothing better than playing 
dress up after a hail storm. 

Oh, I don't know what is 
going on here.  

Oh, now this is how a 
princess is supposed to look. 

After dinner we realized the hail 
broke our skylight.

It was time for some fun after the night we had.  Look who I 
saw at the fireworks, Philip.  

Walking down the street with my love.
Mommy and Daddy insisted on being our chaperones! 

Ohh, look fireworks.
I was holding Philip's hand in case he got scared!