Monday, June 16, 2014

Sloane is 9 months!

Just a few 9 month stats and updates for you all.  Hmm, where to start...
At this point I have had 3.5 ear infections.  I say .5 because I had a double ear infection 2 weeks before my 9 month check up, and when I went in for my check up, only one ear cleared up with antibotics:(  What else, I've had croup where I sounded like a seal - it sounds cool, but wasn't!  Some actual cool things...I'm growing lots!  I'm already 28.5" Tall (80th percentile), and I weigh in around 18lbs 8.25oz (55th percentile)...and my head is full of knowledge at 18in (the 94th percentile)!  I'm also a serious crawler these days.  I started kicking that into gear around 7-8 months...and mommy says I'm moving at record speed now!  Look out world, next up is walking!  I'm eating lots of different foods now too.  My favorite lately has been turkey.  Some other favs are cheesy puffs (they are the best), avocado, and you can't go wrong with mac n' cheese (this is also one of my sister's favorites).

Now onto the best cuteness!  Check out some 9 month pics of me!

Wait...what?  I'm how old?!

Ok, I guess 9 months is cool!

Silly face!

Hooray, I'm 9 months!

Mommy says I'm always in motion these days.
And notice what I did to the chalk board Mommy had so nicely colored!

Patches wanted in on the photo action...I think he's shrinking.  
He's sure looking smaller these days!

See ya soon!

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