Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dadda's Day

Happy Dadda's Day!  
That's what I call my Dad now - "Dadda"...has a nice ring, doesn't it?
Sloane and I did some crafting for Dadda.  Last week we went to a 
  pottery place with Mommy and some of our friends and I painted a 
picture frame with my handprint on it, 
and Sloane painted a tile with her footprint.  Then we got crafty with cards!
Mine is the heart that I made with painted cheerios.  And Sloaney made 
the accordian one with her handprints!  And Mommy made the polka dot one!
I also picked out a cool purple polo for Dadda.  Since purple is my 
favorite, I figured it would be perfect!

I also filled out this sheet for Dadda...I think I did a really good job, 
and I think you'll all find that it's relatively accurate! :)

After gift-giving and breakfast we headed out for a hike at
Roxbourgh State Park!

The start of our hike.  

Happy Daddy's Day!  Yeah!

A Dadda and his girls.  

There was this natural sand, that I was
 practicing my heart drawing skills with.
Mommy and Dadda had a hard time getting me to leave this spot! 

Sloaney was hanging out on the deck soaking up the sun.  

Then I wanted to show everyone how good I can crawl. 

I have love for my Mommy every day.  

More walking.
I'm becoming quite the hiker these days in case you wondered!

Then we came across this cool old house on our hike.  A perfect spot
for a little break!

Shh, I was just trying to break into this house. 

Me and Sloane screaming at each other.  

I was lollygagging on the second leg of the hike.  I 
thought it was necessary to feed the baby birds rocks.  

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