Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Today is my first Halloween, which just so happens to be my first holiday.  I remember what Daddy was telling me about trick or treating when we went searching for the great pumpkin last week.  I thought it would be a good idea for me to experience this trick or treating first hand, so we met some of Mommy's friends in the Wash Park neighborhood to have a safe family oriented Halloween. 

I think the expression is "like taking candy from a baby."  Yep, that's how easy Halloween is for kids to get free candy.  I saw kids running around all over the place.  They go door to door, running between, to get their candy.  And to get this candy all they have to do is dress up - what a great concept!  I mean, who doesn't want to dress up?  I bet I will play dress up all the time when I grow up (especially if it means candy is involved)!  Can you tell I'm pretty interested in this whole candy thing?! 

Halloween family picture.  Look at the crazy tall hat behind me. 

My first costume...I'm a ladybug, and I'm sticking out my tongue (just for fun!). 

Just a couple of ladybugs.  Me and my new friend Mila. 

That's my other new friend Aven (aka Kermit)...what's she doing back there?

Yikes, what the heck does Daddy have on his head!?!  It's sort of scaring me.

Hmm...where's mommy's costume?

Here I am at the start of the day crying, because I wanted candy.  Not that I could eat it, but still crying for candy. 

Mommy calmed me down by saying she would eat some candy, and pass it along to me.  Plus, she set this awesome Jack O' Lantern next to me.  Good job carving mom. 

Okay, time for a snooze...gotta rest up for Halloween night!


Saturday, October 29, 2011


This isn't my first bath.  I have been through the regular weekly sponge baths, which I hate.  They make me so mad.  And, I've had baths in my tub before that never went well.  I started balling each time I got in the tub.  Funny thing is when I pooed Mommy and Daddy had to take me out clean the tub and start all over again.  Hahaha.... 

Then somewhere, somehow I had an epiphany that I now like baths.  (look below, that's me having this epiphany)  I love baths now, because they make me feel so warm and clean.  Mommy was talking about a big kid tub that I will get splash around in and play with toys.  I can only image what that will be like, I feel another epiphany coming on.  Someday...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Check Out My Moves!

Mom's been teaching me some dance moves while we're at home during the day...I believe this one is referred to as "The Sprinkler"

It's Friday, Friday...Time For Another Video

This Jesse J lady knows what she's talking's NOT all about the $$$ (or at least that's what my parents tell me)!!!  Plus, she's got a teddy bear in the video...can't go wrong with that!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Strike A Pose!

 Are you talkin' to me...?

...Oooh, you are!

 You want me to do what?

Okay, I can smile:)  Cheeeeeese!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

5 Weeks Old

Well it's time for my weekly photo shoot. 

I have been told that a true model never wears the same outfit twice. we go. 

Dance, dance, dance. 

Leaning on my buddy Patches. 

I can't remember if I am crying or laughing in this photo.

Question please.

Am I done, because I need a break. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Great Pumpkin...

Well, today we went to the pumpkin patch in search of the great pumpkin all for Halloween.  This is going to be my first holiday.  At first I didn't really like wearing this ladybug outfit, but then Daddy explained how Halloween works.  He said that kids get dressed up in fun costumes and get to go around the neighborhood trick or treating.  All you have to do is ring the door bell and say "trick or treat," and they give you candy.  Count me in.  I hope every holiday is this much fun!

This is me before Daddy told me what Halloween is all about.  (I'm kinda bored)

Well back to the pumpkin patch....We went there with our friends the Walla's.  Avery and Chris had a wonderful search for the perfect pumpkins.  I on the other hand wasn't too picky.  So Mommy was telling me that we get to carve something into the pumpkins.  I was thinking that sounded neat, and I'm wondering what interesting designs I am going to come up with in the years to come.  I bet Mommy is going to carve a kitty in the pumpkin, because she loves kitties almost as much as she loves me. 

Look at the hot mama! 

The happy family.  

Oh, no.  Some little girl lost her glove.  How sad.  I will make sure this never happens to me.

Look at this funny pumpkin, its got a nubin sticking out of it. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's Friday, Friday

Yeah, it's Friday.   I only have to get through one more day then it's the weekend, and I get to hang out with Daddy and the whole family.  I get to see the Walla's and go looking for the Great Pumpkin.  I hope everyone thinks I look cute in my ladybug outfit. 

Each Friday I am going to post a video relevant to the current times.  This particular video is a home grown pop star Rebecca Black.  I just wish someday I could have a hit song like this.  Then again, maybe I wont want to be a pop star when I grow up.  Only time will tell.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

1 Month and Counting!

Nailed it!  Pretty sure this is my best photo yet...i'm so photogenic (and so is Patches)!  Mommy and Daddy can't believe a month has already gone by.  But, time flies when you're having fun, right?!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

4 Weeks

I can't believe that I am four weeks old already.  Before you know it I am going to be headed off to college.  I think Mommy likes my weekly birthdays, because she gets to play dress up with me.  I love these leg warmers.  I need to get more.  Daddy says that it reminds him of the old movie Flashdance.  It's rated R so I can't watch it.   

Wait, wheres Patches?  She's always with me for my weekly pictures, 

Ooh, there she is.

Best friends.

I'm feeling a little gangsta with my hood up.  Yep, as gangsta as you can get wearing pink. 

I just can't keep these darn leg warmers on.

Can you guess what I'm dressed up as?

I'm a ladybug.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

This Stroller's Made For Walkin, And That's Just What We Did.....

Saturday afternoon, it is unseasonable warm outside for October, there is no Husker game, and the parents just bought a new stroller, so let's go for a walk. 

All right here we go. 

Let's go for a walk in our park.  

 Here's Dad trying to look cool in his shades. 

Don't worry we didn't go very far.  We have an awesome park right down the block from my house.  Its got playgrounds, tennis courts, and a baseball field.  It was closed, but it has a little petting zoo, and has a train that I can ride in the summer time.  There is also a creek that runs through the park to play in that goes into a wooded area then eventually runs to the Platte River.  (I will talk about the Platte later)

Cool, I actually got to see a firetruck.

Here we are next to the Platte River.
He said that I could take this all the way to Nebraska to see Mimi

Somebody is getting fussy, and it isn't Mommy.  

Better hurry home Mommy, before it is too late.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Uno, Dos, Tres. I'm 3 Weeks Old.

Well milk does a body good.  Three weeks old and I have already grown an inch and gained about a pound from my birth weight.  I think this is going to become a routine with me and Mommy where she takes weekly photos of my progress. 

Look at me I am ready to go. 

Not so ready right now. 

Hey who are you?  Do you want to be friends?

Hi!  Look at me.

Guess which one is the owl. 

Outfit change!

Hey I'm ready for a fist punch. 

Is Mommy playing dress up with me?

Can I tell you a secret?