Monday, October 3, 2011

Families Don't Shake Hands, Families Hug

I met a lot of family my first week, but I wanted to start with a picture of myself.  Here is a fashionable shot of me wearing a head band from my Mimi.  You may ask who Mimi is, well she is my grandma or my mommy's mom.  There is a picture of her below.  She was there in the delivery helping my mom out.  My parents said that they didn't know what they would have done without Mimi. 

 Look at us three generations of us girls. 

 This is my cousin Maida, she visited me a couple times in the hospital, my older cousin Harper was at school during the visits, so I had to wait to meet her.  She came with Aunt Melissa, but somehow dad forgot to get a photo of her with me.  (don't worry he finally got one)

 I got to meet my great grandma and grandpa. 

 How blessed I am to have been able to meet great grand parents.  

 Here I am with Mimi, Maida, and Harper.  I finally got to meet Harper once I got home.  I guess Harper was hoping I would have been a boy, but now she is just thrilled to have another girl in the family.

Here is uncle Justin.   I was a little weary to be close to him since he was getting over Pneumonia.   

 Brother and Sister with all their girls.  Dad should have gotten Mimi in this photo.  I guess I will have to start managing the family photos. 

 Finally a shot of Aunt Melissa holding me.  I think Mom is going to get a lot of motherly advice from her. 

I thought I would take a couple photos outside, since I haven't really been out of the house much. 

 Maybe this will be a regular spot to take family pics in the backyard.

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