Monday, October 24, 2011

The Great Pumpkin...

Well, today we went to the pumpkin patch in search of the great pumpkin all for Halloween.  This is going to be my first holiday.  At first I didn't really like wearing this ladybug outfit, but then Daddy explained how Halloween works.  He said that kids get dressed up in fun costumes and get to go around the neighborhood trick or treating.  All you have to do is ring the door bell and say "trick or treat," and they give you candy.  Count me in.  I hope every holiday is this much fun!

This is me before Daddy told me what Halloween is all about.  (I'm kinda bored)

Well back to the pumpkin patch....We went there with our friends the Walla's.  Avery and Chris had a wonderful search for the perfect pumpkins.  I on the other hand wasn't too picky.  So Mommy was telling me that we get to carve something into the pumpkins.  I was thinking that sounded neat, and I'm wondering what interesting designs I am going to come up with in the years to come.  I bet Mommy is going to carve a kitty in the pumpkin, because she loves kitties almost as much as she loves me. 

Look at the hot mama! 

The happy family.  

Oh, no.  Some little girl lost her glove.  How sad.  I will make sure this never happens to me.

Look at this funny pumpkin, its got a nubin sticking out of it. 

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