Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Today is my first Halloween, which just so happens to be my first holiday.  I remember what Daddy was telling me about trick or treating when we went searching for the great pumpkin last week.  I thought it would be a good idea for me to experience this trick or treating first hand, so we met some of Mommy's friends in the Wash Park neighborhood to have a safe family oriented Halloween. 

I think the expression is "like taking candy from a baby."  Yep, that's how easy Halloween is for kids to get free candy.  I saw kids running around all over the place.  They go door to door, running between, to get their candy.  And to get this candy all they have to do is dress up - what a great concept!  I mean, who doesn't want to dress up?  I bet I will play dress up all the time when I grow up (especially if it means candy is involved)!  Can you tell I'm pretty interested in this whole candy thing?! 

Halloween family picture.  Look at the crazy tall hat behind me. 

My first costume...I'm a ladybug, and I'm sticking out my tongue (just for fun!). 

Just a couple of ladybugs.  Me and my new friend Mila. 

That's my other new friend Aven (aka Kermit)...what's she doing back there?

Yikes, what the heck does Daddy have on his head!?!  It's sort of scaring me.

Hmm...where's mommy's costume?

Here I am at the start of the day crying, because I wanted candy.  Not that I could eat it, but still crying for candy. 

Mommy calmed me down by saying she would eat some candy, and pass it along to me.  Plus, she set this awesome Jack O' Lantern next to me.  Good job carving mom. 

Okay, time for a snooze...gotta rest up for Halloween night!


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