Tuesday, October 18, 2011

4 Weeks

I can't believe that I am four weeks old already.  Before you know it I am going to be headed off to college.  I think Mommy likes my weekly birthdays, because she gets to play dress up with me.  I love these leg warmers.  I need to get more.  Daddy says that it reminds him of the old movie Flashdance.  It's rated R so I can't watch it.   

Wait, wheres Patches?  She's always with me for my weekly pictures, 

Ooh, there she is.

Best friends.

I'm feeling a little gangsta with my hood up.  Yep, as gangsta as you can get wearing pink. 

I just can't keep these darn leg warmers on.

Can you guess what I'm dressed up as?

I'm a ladybug.  

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