Saturday, October 29, 2011


This isn't my first bath.  I have been through the regular weekly sponge baths, which I hate.  They make me so mad.  And, I've had baths in my tub before that never went well.  I started balling each time I got in the tub.  Funny thing is when I pooed Mommy and Daddy had to take me out clean the tub and start all over again.  Hahaha.... 

Then somewhere, somehow I had an epiphany that I now like baths.  (look below, that's me having this epiphany)  I love baths now, because they make me feel so warm and clean.  Mommy was talking about a big kid tub that I will get splash around in and play with toys.  I can only image what that will be like, I feel another epiphany coming on.  Someday...

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