Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mega Blocks Tower

I was playing with my blocks I got for my birthday, 
and decided to build a super tall tower.  

It was taller than me.  That is, it was taller
until I knocked it down.  

No more tower.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Party Canceled

It was the big day of the celebration, but I was feeling worse than the day before.  Mommy and Daddy were going back and forth tying to figure out if we should have the party or not.  I took the decision into my only hands (or mouth), basically I threw up once again.  That was it, that last throw up was all the was needed to cancel the party.  I didn't want to get any of my friends or family sick.  I had a couple visits as you will see. 

As a good girl, I waited to open my presents until my birthday party day. 
This is one is from Rebecca (one of Daddy's friends from work)
I really like the animal print on the bag.  

Can you find the happy  baby in the photo?

I love this tissue paper.  Cool outfit.  

Tissue paper!

Since I was sick my cousins and family stayed outside, 
and visited me from the picture window.
Something about it reminded me of the zoo!  

Mimi and my zaney cousins Harper and Maida


This is our only family photo, on my birthday (JK).

What more presents!?!

Daddy taking a cat nap.  

Yuck Daddy, is this a Birthday kiss.

Help me!

Mommy took some photos with a Polaroid camera (not sure what a Polaroid is).  I'll have to get them on the blog sometime.  It involves a scanner and cut and paste.  Please be patient   

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Birthday Hangover

What's the cure for the Birthday Hangover?  Well Mimi, of course.  

Check out the sweet house Mimi got me for my birthday.  I love
playing house with my friends and family.

So, as many of you know I started to get sick on Friday, and it
escalated throughout the weekend.  Here is a photo of me 
trucking on, even though I felt so icky (wonder woman).  

Another photo on my chair, and um
Daddy the cushions are still wrong.   
Ooh, by the way
Happy Birthday to me!

Mommy and Daddy are you alright with me 
standing on my chair? (outfit change after I got sick)

Mimi! I think I found what you were looking for.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Mommy and Daddy did it, they raised me past my first birthday!  No major problems.  I was really excited to spend the whole day with my family.  It beats daycare any day (Though, I did get to celebrate my birthday yesterday at day, that was kind of cool)

Mommy and Daddy got me a sweet reading chair for my birthday.  The chair is super cool, because it has my name on it.  It did take Daddy 4 days or so to figure out that he put in the cushions the wrong way though (I will show you a picture of the correct way later).   

Me sitting in my chair.  At least I had a half smile.  

Mommy wanted a picture of me with this birthday sign, but I 
wasn't havin' it.  

Since it was my day, I decided to watch some of my videos.  This was 
a new one, and happened to be a Happy Birthday song.  After my videos
I had a facetime call with my cousins and Aunt Melissa, and they sang 
Happy Birthday to me 

I really like this chair. 

Mommy this is so embarrassing.  I hope you didn't post this on 
Facebook.  What, you did!?!

Next stop was lunch.  We headed out to a place called Steuben's.  You can mark this as the first time I ever got my own meal (not that I ate much of the Mac 'n Cheese).  This also marked the worst experience ever at a restaurant.  It all started with the table being all wobbly to me not wanting to eat anything for once.  Mommy and Daddy wish they could have turned back time and stayed home for lunch.  

One good thing was I got to open my first present. 
It was a See 'n Say.  Cool!

Next stop was the ZOO!  
Here is a pic of Mr. Bear.

Look at that cute tushy. 
I always love watching the fishy's

I was off to the carousel for the first time ever.  
A nice man let us ride it for free!  

I was a little scared of the carousel, or maybe you could say 
overwhelmed (lots going on with music, spinning, other kids, etc). 

It didn't help sitting on Daddy's lap, 
while riding a puma.  Though, it looks
like he's enjoying the ride!

I fell asleep after the zoo (it was a eventful day).  As in any tradition, Daddy and Mommy tried another brewery.  They weren't impressed.  After the brewery it was a hurry home to get ready for Mimi! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Daddy Teaching Me To Walk?

It's a short video, but funny.  I'm not sure who was teaching 
who to walk.  I stood up longer than Daddy.  

Monday, September 3, 2012


I think today was every one's favorite day of the vacation.  It was SeaWorld day.  It was an amazing day with so many different interactions with sea animals.   

First thing we saw was some dolphins.  There was this really neat pool that you could 
walk right up to the edge and see the dolphins.  If you got lucky you might be able to pet one of them.  

We on the other hand were not so lucky.  We didn't get to pet any dolphins, but one of them decided to splash us.  When I say splash us, I mean he got us good.  Daddy got it the worst, even knocked off his sunglasses.  Luckily Mommy was quick reacting and was able to shelter me from the wave.  I still got wet, but not as bad as it could have been.  

At least I got to cool off a little.  

This is a quick video of the dolphins swimming.

We looked at the tide pools next, but I was too little to hold anything. 
Awe shucks.  

Daddy holding up a star fish for me to see.  

Hello mister turtle.  

One of my reactions to a fishies.

 I got to walk through a polar bear den.  
I guess they were having a picnic, 
since I didn't see any polar bears.   

I saw a baby beluga drinking milk 
from its mommy.  

Beluga whale. 

I think this seal was winking at me.  

Mommy said that it looks like I 
was slapping fins with Shamu.  


Hey kid, I don't know who you are, but did you 
see that whale?

Look at Shamu jump.  

I really enjoyed the Shamu show.  I was
really getting my clap on.  One of the 
first times I really ever truly clapped.  

Nice ride. Daddy can I get one?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Beach Time

I went to the beach for the morning. Mommy and Daddy took me and Avery to the beach while Avery's parents went on a kayak tour of sea caves.  I loved the beach, and playing in the sand.  I was all about getting messy and eating sand.  Mommy on the other hand was having a panic attack from me getting so dirty and trying to eat sand.  She was almost to the point where she was going to say no more beach until I'm older.  I would say that I got way dirtier than these pictures show.  Both Mommy and Daddy took me down to the ocean, and got me wet.  I think Daddy got me a little more wet then Mommy.  There was a scary moment when another baby ( I think she was a couple months older than me) got swept up the beach by a big wave.  Don't worry she was fine.  I guess her Daddy wasn't paying good enough attention.  Avery didn't want to go into the ocean all weekend.  That's alright, because she played with me in the sand.    

I thought this was a peaceful picture of me playing in the sand 
all by myself.  

Not too happy, but not too sad.  I'm just 
trying to figure out this shovel thing.  

Oh, this is how the shovel works.  

Daddy buried me half way in the sand.  

 I'm a hot mess.  

I'm so happy I love sand.  

I was exhausted after my first 
day at the beach.

I can't wait for tomorrow, because I get to go to Sea World!  I love fishies!