Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Mommy and Daddy did it, they raised me past my first birthday!  No major problems.  I was really excited to spend the whole day with my family.  It beats daycare any day (Though, I did get to celebrate my birthday yesterday at day, that was kind of cool)

Mommy and Daddy got me a sweet reading chair for my birthday.  The chair is super cool, because it has my name on it.  It did take Daddy 4 days or so to figure out that he put in the cushions the wrong way though (I will show you a picture of the correct way later).   

Me sitting in my chair.  At least I had a half smile.  

Mommy wanted a picture of me with this birthday sign, but I 
wasn't havin' it.  

Since it was my day, I decided to watch some of my videos.  This was 
a new one, and happened to be a Happy Birthday song.  After my videos
I had a facetime call with my cousins and Aunt Melissa, and they sang 
Happy Birthday to me 

I really like this chair. 

Mommy this is so embarrassing.  I hope you didn't post this on 
Facebook.  What, you did!?!

Next stop was lunch.  We headed out to a place called Steuben's.  You can mark this as the first time I ever got my own meal (not that I ate much of the Mac 'n Cheese).  This also marked the worst experience ever at a restaurant.  It all started with the table being all wobbly to me not wanting to eat anything for once.  Mommy and Daddy wish they could have turned back time and stayed home for lunch.  

One good thing was I got to open my first present. 
It was a See 'n Say.  Cool!

Next stop was the ZOO!  
Here is a pic of Mr. Bear.

Look at that cute tushy. 
I always love watching the fishy's

I was off to the carousel for the first time ever.  
A nice man let us ride it for free!  

I was a little scared of the carousel, or maybe you could say 
overwhelmed (lots going on with music, spinning, other kids, etc). 

It didn't help sitting on Daddy's lap, 
while riding a puma.  Though, it looks
like he's enjoying the ride!

I fell asleep after the zoo (it was a eventful day).  As in any tradition, Daddy and Mommy tried another brewery.  They weren't impressed.  After the brewery it was a hurry home to get ready for Mimi! 

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