Saturday, September 22, 2012

Party Canceled

It was the big day of the celebration, but I was feeling worse than the day before.  Mommy and Daddy were going back and forth tying to figure out if we should have the party or not.  I took the decision into my only hands (or mouth), basically I threw up once again.  That was it, that last throw up was all the was needed to cancel the party.  I didn't want to get any of my friends or family sick.  I had a couple visits as you will see. 

As a good girl, I waited to open my presents until my birthday party day. 
This is one is from Rebecca (one of Daddy's friends from work)
I really like the animal print on the bag.  

Can you find the happy  baby in the photo?

I love this tissue paper.  Cool outfit.  

Tissue paper!

Since I was sick my cousins and family stayed outside, 
and visited me from the picture window.
Something about it reminded me of the zoo!  

Mimi and my zaney cousins Harper and Maida


This is our only family photo, on my birthday (JK).

What more presents!?!

Daddy taking a cat nap.  

Yuck Daddy, is this a Birthday kiss.

Help me!

Mommy took some photos with a Polaroid camera (not sure what a Polaroid is).  I'll have to get them on the blog sometime.  It involves a scanner and cut and paste.  Please be patient   

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