Monday, September 3, 2012


I think today was every one's favorite day of the vacation.  It was SeaWorld day.  It was an amazing day with so many different interactions with sea animals.   

First thing we saw was some dolphins.  There was this really neat pool that you could 
walk right up to the edge and see the dolphins.  If you got lucky you might be able to pet one of them.  

We on the other hand were not so lucky.  We didn't get to pet any dolphins, but one of them decided to splash us.  When I say splash us, I mean he got us good.  Daddy got it the worst, even knocked off his sunglasses.  Luckily Mommy was quick reacting and was able to shelter me from the wave.  I still got wet, but not as bad as it could have been.  

At least I got to cool off a little.  

This is a quick video of the dolphins swimming.

We looked at the tide pools next, but I was too little to hold anything. 
Awe shucks.  

Daddy holding up a star fish for me to see.  

Hello mister turtle.  

One of my reactions to a fishies.

 I got to walk through a polar bear den.  
I guess they were having a picnic, 
since I didn't see any polar bears.   

I saw a baby beluga drinking milk 
from its mommy.  

Beluga whale. 

I think this seal was winking at me.  

Mommy said that it looks like I 
was slapping fins with Shamu.  


Hey kid, I don't know who you are, but did you 
see that whale?

Look at Shamu jump.  

I really enjoyed the Shamu show.  I was
really getting my clap on.  One of the 
first times I really ever truly clapped.  

Nice ride. Daddy can I get one?

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