Sunday, September 2, 2012

Beach Time

I went to the beach for the morning. Mommy and Daddy took me and Avery to the beach while Avery's parents went on a kayak tour of sea caves.  I loved the beach, and playing in the sand.  I was all about getting messy and eating sand.  Mommy on the other hand was having a panic attack from me getting so dirty and trying to eat sand.  She was almost to the point where she was going to say no more beach until I'm older.  I would say that I got way dirtier than these pictures show.  Both Mommy and Daddy took me down to the ocean, and got me wet.  I think Daddy got me a little more wet then Mommy.  There was a scary moment when another baby ( I think she was a couple months older than me) got swept up the beach by a big wave.  Don't worry she was fine.  I guess her Daddy wasn't paying good enough attention.  Avery didn't want to go into the ocean all weekend.  That's alright, because she played with me in the sand.    

I thought this was a peaceful picture of me playing in the sand 
all by myself.  

Not too happy, but not too sad.  I'm just 
trying to figure out this shovel thing.  

Oh, this is how the shovel works.  

Daddy buried me half way in the sand.  

 I'm a hot mess.  

I'm so happy I love sand.  

I was exhausted after my first 
day at the beach.

I can't wait for tomorrow, because I get to go to Sea World!  I love fishies! 

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