Monday, September 30, 2013

Sloane At Two Weeks

Another week loving week gone by with my family.  Mommy is doing a really good job taking care of me and Sayler.  I've been eating a lot these past two weeks, so much that I'm already over my birth weight.  I went to the doctors office today for my two week check up.  It seems like I'm always at the doctor for appointments, I even have to come back in 6 weeks.  The doctor weighed me in at 8 lbs 6 oz, and I grew an inch just like Sayler did.  Oh yeah, my head is big just like Sayler's also.   

Snuggling with Patches. 

Patches said wakey wakey.  

Sayler is this how it really goes?  
I have to do weekly photos with Patches?

Owly stop flying on me!

Hey Sissy don't forget about me.  I went to the doctor for my two week check up today as well.  The doctor told me that I was an exceptional patient for a two year old.  I gained a big couple inches this summers.  Must of been a big growth spurt with all that summer sun.  My weight doesn't fluctuate much.  The best thing is that the doctor was so impressed with my talking skills.  She said that I talked at a three year old level.  Funny thing is that Mommy and Daddy found out that I know some of my shapes.  Sissy I hope you are going to be as smart as me when you grow up.  

Monday, September 23, 2013


Sissy and I thought it would be a good idea to compare some photos from out first days.  Some people think we look exactly alike, while others say I look like Daddy, and Sloane looks like Mommy.  I think the only difference is Sloane's hair is darker and she has more of it.  Good thing I have a two year head start on hair growing. We will let you guys decide.  

Daddy couldn't decide between this and the next photo, so 
he put in both.  

This is me sticking my tongue out.  

 This was one of my parents favorite 
first photos.  

Is this Sayler or is it Sloane?

Daddy is starting to get confused on who is who.  

One last photo of Sloane.  

Sloane Is One Week Old.

I'm already one week old.  Mimi went home today, and I already miss her.  My parents managed to keep me alive, and Sayler hasn't tried any funny business on me.  It was fun to come home and see my house and meet my kitty friends.  I know I will have awesome times growing up with this family.  

This is Patches and he will be taken the weekly photos with me.  
I wondering if Mommy and Daddy can keep up with weekly photos.  

Mommy, I'm getting tired.  I'm just going to lay down here, and ZZZ... 

I came with my own posse.  Not all of them have names yet, since they all 
came at the same time.  We got Roo with the bounce, Hadley 
the hippo, and Clyde the horse

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Great Grand Parents Visit

Chuck and Sally came over to meet me.  They thought I was so cute.  

Sloane this is probably the fastest you'll see Chuck move. 

I'm so blessed to be able to meet my great grandparents.  

They're so sweet.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Holding My Baby Sister

I asked Mommy if I could hold Sloane tonight.  Mommy was super excited that I wanted to hold my baby sis.  Mommy still has a glimmer of hope that me and Sissy will get along.  

Look at me, I'm holding Sloane!

She looks just like me. 
She looks just like me. 
Hey that's what I said. 
Hey that's what I said.

She's touching my face.  

I love kissing Sloane on her forehead.  

She is so adorable.  

More kisses for my baby sister.  

Sloane's First bath At Home

Mommy gave me my first bath at home.  It was cold laying naked on the table.  I'm sure I will like baths more and more like my big sis.  

Daddy help me. 

Brrr, it's cold.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sloane's First Car Ride

I was ready for my first car ride today.  I figure I was ready to leave the hospital after 27 hours.  I would have been out earlier if my bilirubin results were better.

My first outfit, for the drive home.  

I really like to scrunch my legs up until I'm in a little ball. 

All ready to go.  Now Daddy remember to 
drive carefully.  

Monday, September 16, 2013

My New Baby Sister

Hey everybody my baby sister was born today.  She came out of Mommy's tummy at 4:23 pm, while I stayed home with Mimi.  I'm super excited to be a big sister, and already lover her.  Oh, where are my manors, I haven't introduced her yet.  

Her name is Sloane Marie Buglewicz (sweet name).  She didn't weigh as much as me, and came in
 at 7 lbs 9 oz.  We both are all torso, and were 20.5 inches.  Sloane is going to be a skinny minnie like me.  I can't wait to grow up with her.  

Thanks for introducing me Sayler.  I also can't wait to grow up with you, and learning so many things from you (some good-some bad).

Here is one of my first photos.  I was cold and wanted 
my Mommy and Daddy.  

Mommy really had an easy time with delivering me, probably since I did so much of the work.  We checked in that hospital around 11 am, and I came out 5 hours later.  Daddy, and I thought it was relaxed and calm in the delivery room.  

My first photo with Mommy and Daddy.  

Hi, are you my big sister?

Here's close up. 

I'm trying to figure out how to stick out my tongue.  

 I love my baby sister.  I love you to Sayler.  

This is our first family photo.  Doesn't Daddy look super excited.  

I thought I would end with a photo without Sloane, 
since it was my blog first. 


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sayler's 2nd Birthday Party

Today was my birthday party, and all my friends and family came over to celebrate it with me.  My birthday party was capped off with a visit from Mimi who came into town yesterday.   I spent most of my time in the bounce house Mommy and Daddy got me.  

After a morning a cleaning and prepping the bounce house has arrived.  

First bounce. 

Big air!

And a bop, and a bop, and a boom!

So many bounce house photos to choose from. 

Happy birthday to me.  Philip helped my blow out the candle.

Mommy made me cheerio bars, since I don't like cake.  

Mad chaos in the bounce house.

Then came present opening time. 

Mad chaos in the living room.

Bounce house nirvana.

Thank you everyone for celebrating my special day with me.  It means so much to have such great family and friends.  Thanks for all the awesome presents as well. 

Good bye.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Another Saturday Another Husker Win

It was another Husker win.  This game was an easy win for the Huskers.  I think it was because of my cheering.  

I broke out my Husker Cheerleader 
outfit for this game. 

Husker Power!
