Monday, September 16, 2013

My New Baby Sister

Hey everybody my baby sister was born today.  She came out of Mommy's tummy at 4:23 pm, while I stayed home with Mimi.  I'm super excited to be a big sister, and already lover her.  Oh, where are my manors, I haven't introduced her yet.  

Her name is Sloane Marie Buglewicz (sweet name).  She didn't weigh as much as me, and came in
 at 7 lbs 9 oz.  We both are all torso, and were 20.5 inches.  Sloane is going to be a skinny minnie like me.  I can't wait to grow up with her.  

Thanks for introducing me Sayler.  I also can't wait to grow up with you, and learning so many things from you (some good-some bad).

Here is one of my first photos.  I was cold and wanted 
my Mommy and Daddy.  

Mommy really had an easy time with delivering me, probably since I did so much of the work.  We checked in that hospital around 11 am, and I came out 5 hours later.  Daddy, and I thought it was relaxed and calm in the delivery room.  

My first photo with Mommy and Daddy.  

Hi, are you my big sister?

Here's close up. 

I'm trying to figure out how to stick out my tongue.  

 I love my baby sister.  I love you to Sayler.  

This is our first family photo.  Doesn't Daddy look super excited.  

I thought I would end with a photo without Sloane, 
since it was my blog first. 


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