Monday, September 23, 2013

Sloane Is One Week Old.

I'm already one week old.  Mimi went home today, and I already miss her.  My parents managed to keep me alive, and Sayler hasn't tried any funny business on me.  It was fun to come home and see my house and meet my kitty friends.  I know I will have awesome times growing up with this family.  

This is Patches and he will be taken the weekly photos with me.  
I wondering if Mommy and Daddy can keep up with weekly photos.  

Mommy, I'm getting tired.  I'm just going to lay down here, and ZZZ... 

I came with my own posse.  Not all of them have names yet, since they all 
came at the same time.  We got Roo with the bounce, Hadley 
the hippo, and Clyde the horse

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