Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sayler's 2nd Birthday Party

Today was my birthday party, and all my friends and family came over to celebrate it with me.  My birthday party was capped off with a visit from Mimi who came into town yesterday.   I spent most of my time in the bounce house Mommy and Daddy got me.  

After a morning a cleaning and prepping the bounce house has arrived.  

First bounce. 

Big air!

And a bop, and a bop, and a boom!

So many bounce house photos to choose from. 

Happy birthday to me.  Philip helped my blow out the candle.

Mommy made me cheerio bars, since I don't like cake.  

Mad chaos in the bounce house.

Then came present opening time. 

Mad chaos in the living room.

Bounce house nirvana.

Thank you everyone for celebrating my special day with me.  It means so much to have such great family and friends.  Thanks for all the awesome presents as well. 

Good bye.  

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