Monday, September 30, 2013

Sloane At Two Weeks

Another week loving week gone by with my family.  Mommy is doing a really good job taking care of me and Sayler.  I've been eating a lot these past two weeks, so much that I'm already over my birth weight.  I went to the doctors office today for my two week check up.  It seems like I'm always at the doctor for appointments, I even have to come back in 6 weeks.  The doctor weighed me in at 8 lbs 6 oz, and I grew an inch just like Sayler did.  Oh yeah, my head is big just like Sayler's also.   

Snuggling with Patches. 

Patches said wakey wakey.  

Sayler is this how it really goes?  
I have to do weekly photos with Patches?

Owly stop flying on me!

Hey Sissy don't forget about me.  I went to the doctor for my two week check up today as well.  The doctor told me that I was an exceptional patient for a two year old.  I gained a big couple inches this summers.  Must of been a big growth spurt with all that summer sun.  My weight doesn't fluctuate much.  The best thing is that the doctor was so impressed with my talking skills.  She said that I talked at a three year old level.  Funny thing is that Mommy and Daddy found out that I know some of my shapes.  Sissy I hope you are going to be as smart as me when you grow up.  

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