Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tiny Town

We made the trek up to the foothills to enjoy a once in a lifetime morning at Tiny Town.  We met my friends Arianna and Jonah to explore the streets of this Tiny Town.  There might have been a time when this place was top notch, but not anymore.  Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my time, but I think it would have been so much better if Tiny Town was kept up a little better.  The houses were falling apart and had paint that was chipping.  

Instinctively I headed straight to the Town Library.  

Me and Daddy enjoying the library stoop.  

Um, Daddy can you make some room for me.  

I got to drop a penny in the wishing well.  Daddy tried to ask
me what my wish was, but I knew not to tell.   

The train was a real steam engine with a whistle that was super loud,
and scared us half to death when it blew the first time.  

Look at the steam.

I'm still not sure about this train.  

Here's the choo choo.  

Just another stoop to hang out on.  

Mommy and me.  

This was the only house Daddy felt was safe enough to go into. 

A little happy feet in the little house. 

Coolest sign at Tiny Town. 

Hey Arianna check out this building.  

Really a FedEx sponsored house? 

Dinosaur Hill.

Mini hot dog stand

Last picture on the Tiny Town bench, which isn't tiny.

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