Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody!  We met my bestie at my old daycare for a Halloween carnival.  This carnival was awesome and better than trick or treating any year.  They had bouncy houses, games, and candy.  Did I say candy?  They had tons of candy.  Unfortunately for me it was mostly chocolate.  
Happy Halloween!

One of our first family photos in a while and Daddy 
was wearing a Spider Man mask.  Maybe it was a good thing 
having Daddy wear a mask?

Sloane and me playing in a ball pit, looking for candy.  

Happy Halloween from the Ghoulewicz family!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekend Chores and Trick or Treat Candy

It was a fun weekend helping with outdoor chores and the potential for candy.  

Ah, I thought I had more candy than this.  

I was helping Daddy rake the leaves.  

Daddy said I wasn't much help.  

Work was severely compromised once Sloane got in the pile.  

Don't worry I found all my candy.   

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trick or Treat Practice

It was our annual trip to downtown Littleton for trick or treating. It's always a fun time to walk the streets and get our trick or treat practice on.  This was Sloane's first time (well, first time she really participated in the experience) and she did pretty well.  For some reason that girl won't walk without the help of a friendly hand. Personally, I think she will be walking any day now.  Anyway, trick or treating is fun.   

Why did we start with this picture?  Is it because I'm
super cute?

Mommy!  I saw candy over there.  

See what I mean....Sloane won't walk 
without help.  

Oops, I dropped a piece of candy.  

Hee Hee, no one will tell a baby NO, when grabbing extra candy. 


Hey!  It's a butterfly kitty.  

Neither of us wanted to be a butterfly.  

Happy Sloane on the ride home.  

Happy Sayler on the ride home.  

Spooky Sloane!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Nebraska - Vala's

What do you do on a fall day in Nebraska?  You go to Vala's Pumpkin patch!  Good thing we went on a Monday and missed the crowds.  This pumpkin patch was huge and had so many things to explore.  More than we had time for.  This pumpkin patch was so awesome we might have to make it an annual adventure.  Maybe we should invite the cousins one year.  

Sloane is so big.  

I jumping off this cattle loader.  
Thanks for catching me Mimi.  

Bouncing away.  

Me and Mommy holding hands.
If you look close you can see Sloane and Daddy too;)  

Me and Mimi playing a bouncing game.  

Bouncing in the morning sun. 

Sloaney and Daddy Shadow.  

Selfie time with Daddy.  

Mimi bouncing and Grandpa creepin'.

Beep Beep, out of the way!

A lazy Monday drive in the country   

Daddy pretending to be dead.  

Grandpa and Daddy wanted to bet on the pig that 
went potty before the race (that pig lost).  

This was a first for Sayler wanting to stick her head 
through one of these.  I kindly obliged.

Look at me, I'm a horse.  

Daddy threw me on music table to play.  Don't worry he was 
there watching me.  

OMG! A purple tractor for me.  

Purple tractors are number one for me. 

This area was pretty cool.  Daddy and I were
homesteading and building a log cabin.  

Mommy was saying that other Daddies and families were 
jealous or our quick building skills.
Please note: Mommy did help push the building process along.
A family that builds together stays together! :)

And then before you know it, this lady was telling us it's time to go.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nebraska - Henry Doorly Zoo

We went to Omaha on Sunday to enjoy the day and visit the world famous zoo.  This has to be the best zoo in the world.  I would say yes, even though all I wanted to do was eat snacks.  

We decided to rent a double stroller, which
served as an epicenter of constant fighting. 

 Grandpa, you'd better hold your breath because we're under water.


Hi Mr. Penguin.  

Mimi and me watching the sharks swim.  

I'm trying to get a good spot in the tube to watch the sharks.  

I'm about this tall.  

Are you sure you're that tall?

Oh, you're right I'm actually
this tall.  ;)

If you must know we were 
pretending to be gorillas.  

Of course, we had to ride the carousel. 

I was just hanging around 
after the carousel.  

Ha ha, we caught you Mommy.  

I thought this looked like an owl on the way into the zoo.  So, 
on the way out Mommy got a picture. 

We had lunch at a brew pub so Grandpa and Daddy could relax with a toot. 
(Mommy had one too)

For some reason I brought up tongue rolling...
an awesome new skill I possess. 

And that gave us these pictures.  Hee hee.
Unfortunately, Mimi does not possess the same tongue rolling skills as me!
But, she sure looked silly trying. 

We had ice cream with Mr. Bones after lunch. 

I didn't like Mr. Bones.