Saturday, October 4, 2014

Husker Hike

Today we went out for a awesome hike to see fall time leaves and to climb a mountain.  We hiked up to Devils Head Fire Tower.  We started the hike without a care thinking it would be an easy little climb.  Boy were we wrong.  It's not that it was impossible.  It was just straight up.  It was so rewarding to get to the top and have a nice little meadow between two very tall rock cliffs.  We had a great snack there before we walked up the 143 steps to the tower.  The way down is always better and quicker.  

Walking along the dirt road to start the day.  I was the line leader. 
I might have taken the line leader thing a little too far...zoom! 
Mommy and Daddy told me to slow down a little so I didn't tire too early
(I realized later that was probably a good suggestion)!

Daddy I love you!


It wasn't long before the terrain
got steep. 

Walking up the mountain. 

I had a good view of the 
changing Aspens.  

Yeah! I'm having fun with Daddy!

Wait I want my Mommy!

Go Daddy Go!

I got a great view of the the blue sky riding on Daddy's back.  

What?  I look up at the sky and I get blinded by the sun. 
It's still pretty.  

Momma?  Can I go down there?

Where's Daddy?

Halfway point snacks.  

I can see so far.
Up, up, up we go...

Thanks for carrying me Mommy. 

Rules on a hike?

The last obstacle.  The stairway to 
Devils Head Tower.

We made it up to 9,748 ft. 
Proof that we all made it to the top!
Daddy wanted to get Sloane walking. 
Our view...

I could see for miles!
We decided we needed some 'selfies' after our long trek...
Mommy giving me some love!
Silly faces!
Next up were Daddy and Sloaney 'selfies'!
And then Sloane just being adorable;)
Go Big Red!

I needed a little rest on the way down...
thanks for the lift Daddy!

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