Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trick or Treat Practice

It was our annual trip to downtown Littleton for trick or treating. It's always a fun time to walk the streets and get our trick or treat practice on.  This was Sloane's first time (well, first time she really participated in the experience) and she did pretty well.  For some reason that girl won't walk without the help of a friendly hand. Personally, I think she will be walking any day now.  Anyway, trick or treating is fun.   

Why did we start with this picture?  Is it because I'm
super cute?

Mommy!  I saw candy over there.  

See what I mean....Sloane won't walk 
without help.  

Oops, I dropped a piece of candy.  

Hee Hee, no one will tell a baby NO, when grabbing extra candy. 


Hey!  It's a butterfly kitty.  

Neither of us wanted to be a butterfly.  

Happy Sloane on the ride home.  

Happy Sayler on the ride home.  

Spooky Sloane!

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