Saturday, October 18, 2014

Nebraska - Children's Museum

We made the long trek back to Nebraska today.  It wasn't too bad, but for sure a 
long time sitting in a car seat.  Before you knew it we were in Nebraska at
Mimi's house.  Yeah!  For the record this place is pretty cool. 

Two cool dudettes on a long, long trip back to Nebraska. 

No Sloane, you can't climb up here.  

Oh, this is where I can climb up.  

I can't believe Mimi was crawling around in there. 

Um, anybody got any acorns?

Goodness, gracious, greatballs of fire!

I think I like this water exhibit. 

Correction, I love this water exhibit 
(so much that I ended up soaking wet and had to change my ensemble)!

I'll just fill up this little cup right here.  

They tried to get a couple of pictures of the family 
in the big red chair, but I was not havin' it. 

Hey, this reminds me of The Price Is Right.  

Watch out everyone, I'm ready
to get the groceries.  

Daddy was doing some cool things on this pin wall.  

Watch this.  

Daddy was doing his best pilots impersonation.  

Thanks for sitting with me Mimi.  

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