Tuesday, March 27, 2012

27 Weeks

So, I started the week with the same old ear ache.  The medicine that they gave was super powerful, and gave me the worst poopies (TMI?).  I had so many blowouts, I think my teachers have given me a couple new nicknames.  My parents have decided not to dress me in anything fancy or cute to start the day, and have instructed my teachers to wait until after my blowout to change me.  Hopefully this is all over soon.  I take my last dose of medicine on Friday. 

I'm sad that my morning buddy P graduated and moved on to the next level this week.  So, that just leaves me and Miss Cindi for the first 30 minutes or so, then N comes in.  Don't get me wrong one on one time with Miss Cindi is awesome, but I miss P.  She was supposed to teach me how to walk.  I'm sure I will see her around school every once in a while.

Hold on just a minute...I'm very interested in these
things on my feet!  They've got ties and I love pulling on them!

There we go, that's better...loosened them up. 
Now my feet have room to breath.

Tee hee hee...

 OMGosh (since today is a holy day, I knew
not to use the other "G" word)
...look how cute I am in my Sunday best!
Ka-Pow!  I feel like a pink ninja. 
Move over Patches, this is my time to shine!

Bonjour (Get it? I have the Eiffel Tower on my shirt...)!

Peek-a-boo...I see you! 

 Thumbs up dude!

I swear, I'm not gonna bite Patches ear...it's cuddle time now!
A la prochaine (until next time)!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

We're Going To The Zoo

Today I went to the zoo for the first time, and we are proud zoo members to boot. I had a playdate with my good friend Avery and her family at the zoo.  Since it was such a sunny day, I had another first.  I got suncreen smeared all over me.  I didn't really like that too much, but I didn't cry.  So this whole zoo thing is pretty awesome.  I didn't know such a place existed with so many different animals in one place. 

Are you ready for the Zoo Avery?  I am. 

A: I'm totally ready for the zoo. 
Why can't we smile at the same time?

Is that thing for real?  I'm going to ride that some day.

Mommy knows a great song about the zoo.  You
should ask her to sing it next time you see her. 

I decided to cruise the zoo in style.  Baby Bjorn style. 

I'm so jealous of Mommy for getting an ice cream cone. 
Not that I know how ice cream taste, but I know I'm jealous. 

Daddy joking around, and putting me in danger. 
Run Daddy run!

Family photo at the zoo. 

I was looking for the pink pengiun. 
(that's from another one of my favorite songs)

 I really imagined bears doing more. 
Bear, bear, bear, bear...

Tired baby

Tired baby + Tired Daddy? 

Not tired Avery

Rubber Ducky You're The One

I got a new bath tub today.  I guess my parents thought I was getting too big for my old tub.  I like this new one.  It's got soft sides so I can splash around without hurting myself. 

Eeek, a little privacy please I'm trying to take a bath.  . 

Do you like my new bath tub.  It's a duck!

Just trying to keep my head above water. 

Oh boy, it's Tommy Turtle.  

So there is this joke about an octopus......
wait a minute I think the joke is on me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy 6 Month Birthday To Me

I guess today is my 6 month birthday.  It's a standard cliche, but boy does time fly.  It just seems like yesterday when I was sitting on Santa's lap.  I thought I was going to come home from daycare to a surprise party.  I was thinking all my friends and family would be waiting for me.  Silly for me to think that, but nobody was waiting for me.  Not that I didn't enjoy my evening with Mommy and Daddy.  I'm really not that worried, because I know Mommy is planning a really good shindig for my real birthday. 

What?...You're kidding me, I'm already a half year old!?

Where's my cake?
 I thought I would have cake for my birthday?

What, no present either?

Geez, I can't wait for my real birthday. 

A close up of my battle wound...
got myself with my nails (again)

26 Weeks

I started the week without an ear infection, but that didn't last too long.  By mid-week I  probably had my worst ear infection yet.  It was strange one day I was fine, then the next day I had a raging ear infection.  I really hate those sickies.  Like any other ear infection I had to take medicine, which lead to blow out after blow out.  I did figure out one good thing while I was sick.  I found out that if I have just the right amount of sickies I can get my Mommy or Daddy to stay home with me.  It was so refreshing to have a weekday home alone with Mommy, and then the next day with Daddy.  I was starting to feel better by the weekend, and actually ventured out of the house to go to the zoo.  The zoo is going to be awesome when I get a little bit older. 


Get out of here Patches

I want the photo with just me in it! Me, me, me! 

Then I moved right into Jazz Hands. 

Then I decided to pretend I'm was a butterfly.

I like to go pbssstt a lot, I mean a lot.  Basically
it is my next favorite thing besides
 Mommy and Daddy.

 Strike a pose!

Opps, a little bit of drool. 
Goodnight, I'm going to cuddle with Patches. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bracket Buster

So, this week I found out that I like basketball.   Daddy seemed to have it on all weekend.  I don't know if it's the fast pace of the game, or maybe it's the squeaking noise the players' shoes make. 

I am so nervous about this game, my team isn't doing well. 

Don't worry I was only laying like this for a couple minutes.  

Best seat in the house.  

I was rooting for Creighton, since they are from

Sittin' and Playin'

I was just spending a lazy Sunday sittin' and playin' with my toys in my room
Hmm, how does this thing work?
See, I still get easily distracted. 

Oh, no its falling.  

Don't worry I'm not going to let it fall. 
This is me falling and about to bump my head. 

Since Daddy couldn't catch me in time,
he decided to put the boppy behind me.