Tuesday, March 20, 2012

26 Weeks

I started the week without an ear infection, but that didn't last too long.  By mid-week I  probably had my worst ear infection yet.  It was strange one day I was fine, then the next day I had a raging ear infection.  I really hate those sickies.  Like any other ear infection I had to take medicine, which lead to blow out after blow out.  I did figure out one good thing while I was sick.  I found out that if I have just the right amount of sickies I can get my Mommy or Daddy to stay home with me.  It was so refreshing to have a weekday home alone with Mommy, and then the next day with Daddy.  I was starting to feel better by the weekend, and actually ventured out of the house to go to the zoo.  The zoo is going to be awesome when I get a little bit older. 


Get out of here Patches

I want the photo with just me in it! Me, me, me! 

Then I moved right into Jazz Hands. 

Then I decided to pretend I'm was a butterfly.

I like to go pbssstt a lot, I mean a lot.  Basically
it is my next favorite thing besides
 Mommy and Daddy.

 Strike a pose!

Opps, a little bit of drool. 
Goodnight, I'm going to cuddle with Patches. 

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