Tuesday, March 13, 2012

25 Weeks

So daycare is getting better, but it still has it's slippery times.  My teachers say that we have bonded this past week.  They're great, but they are no Mommy and Daddy.  My new friendships have blossomed from the first couple weeks. The slippery part is me getting sick again.  It seems like it's a weekly think.  I know I should stay away from V, but she is so much fun.  Plus, other parents are probably telling there kids to stay away from me now (since i've had a constant case of the sickies).  Mommy thought I had another ear infection, but luckily it was a false alarm.  It's only another cold.  I hate these sickies. 

Hip to be square. 

In the rock n' roll community they call this a
power kick. 

I'm playing the air piano. 

I'm not sure what you call this dance move. 

It's only rock n' roll for me. 

I'm a uptown girl, living in a uptown world.

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