Monday, March 12, 2012

24 Weeks

Well week 2 of daycare was a lot better.  I don't think it could have been any worse.  I'm slowly feeling better.  My pink eye has cleared up and I don't have snot dripping out of my nose constantly anymore (which means no more booger sucker syringe - Yay!).  One of the better parts of being sick was getting to eat this bubble gum flavored medicine that fights off my ear infection. 

I'm getting to enjoy daycare more and more each day since I'm feeling better.  The teachers are awesome, and they just love me so much (and think I'm the cutest, I'm sure).  During the first week I thought I was going to have a problem going number 2 in a unfamiliar environment.  I was a little constipated, but how quickly that changed.  This may be TMI, but I've had many blowouts at school (and by many, I mean A LOT!).  I bet Mommy and Daddy are ok with that though, since I take care of most of my business at daycare and not at home. 

Speaking of blowouts.  Friday was rock n' roll day at daycare, and I was the cutest baby in daycare (again).  I wore this killer rock princess onesie with a pink tutu (you'll get to see that next week).  They wanted to take a photo of me for the school's newspaper, but before they could I pooped myself.  (bummer, I was going to be famous at school)

Saturday and Sunday are now my favorite days, because I get to be with both Mommy and Daddy all day long.  The weather was great both days, and we went to a new park.  This time I got to play on the playground equipment without being strapped in my Baby Bjorn.  Mommy was really excited because Daddy usually has me strapped on his chest.   She got to swing with me for the first time. 

Sunday was a funday also.  We went over to see great Grandpa and Grandma Kroll.  This time it wasn't burning hot like last time.  I sat on both of there laps, and really enjoyed looking at Chuck (that's my great Grandpa's first name).  I was giggly over there, and showing them how I can sit up and rollover.   I think they enjoyed our time together.  I know I did. 

Daddy was starting to tell a joke
 and I was all giddy in anticipation.

Huh, I didn't get the punch line. 

Look I'm 5 and a half months old. 

Dreaming of the days when I
 can run my fingers through my hair. 

Me o' my I'm simply stunning.

I think this photo makes my skin look clean and clear. 

Just leaning casually on Patches. 
Bye Bye.

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