Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy 6 Month Birthday To Me

I guess today is my 6 month birthday.  It's a standard cliche, but boy does time fly.  It just seems like yesterday when I was sitting on Santa's lap.  I thought I was going to come home from daycare to a surprise party.  I was thinking all my friends and family would be waiting for me.  Silly for me to think that, but nobody was waiting for me.  Not that I didn't enjoy my evening with Mommy and Daddy.  I'm really not that worried, because I know Mommy is planning a really good shindig for my real birthday. 

What?...You're kidding me, I'm already a half year old!?

Where's my cake?
 I thought I would have cake for my birthday?

What, no present either?

Geez, I can't wait for my real birthday. 

A close up of my battle wound...
got myself with my nails (again)

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