Sunday, April 29, 2012


Meet my new friend Wrigley.  He's my first puppy friend.  

Good puppy.  Sit Wrigley, sit.

Mommy saved me from Wrigley licking my face. 

But let the puppy lick my toes.  This made me giggle. 

I can't quite reach Wrigley.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

31 Weeks

So kind of a big deal this week...guess what, i'm not sick!  Let's hope I keep it up!  This week, I've come to find out that there are things I like and things I don't like any more.  One thing I really like is growling.  I growl all the time.  I will growl when I'm happy, and sad.  I will growl when I want something.  I even growl when my diaper needs to be changed.  A couple other things I like are yogurt bites, I just tried them for the first time this week, and they are yummy. Plus, I can feed them to myself! I also learned how to drink out of a sippy cup this week. I actually prefer to drink from it like a big girl, without the lid on. But, Mommy says that is kind of messy (and she's right, i soaked myself the first time I tried this)!   A couple things I don't like anymore.  I don't like being swaddled.  I figured I was a big girl now and could sleep with my arms free.  But, big girls can still sleep in a sleep sack if they want :)  I didn't like it when one of my teachers left her job, and I'm not super happy about the new teacher that is a temporary replacement.  She calls me by other girls names sometimes (and then she wonders why I cry?!). 

Here's to the hopes of another exciting week...and many more "likes!" 

Eeks...Mommy scared me!

This is serious, more scaring me!


Hi There.

Just me and patches holding hands.

Time for my close up!

Here, let me help you adjust that.

One word, sounds like...

Practicing my glare...what do you think?
Pretty tough, right?

These are my hands...

...and these are my teeth, i've got two of them now!

YAY! See you next week!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Circus Circus

So I have been practicing for my career in the circus.
It's all about focus and balance people! 

 Pretty good, huh?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone! 

Peace, love, and happiness. 
(and don't forget to Recycle!)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Fun Day

Daddy was thinking it was about time to take our first hike as a family.  The weather was great.  Not too hot, not too cold, it was just right.  So, Mommy packed up all my things in this neato backpack that lets Daddy carry me around on his back.  Then over the river through the woods we went to Mount Falcon.  We wanted to make sure that we took it easy on my first hike, and Mount Falcon was the place.  It had great views of the city below, wasn't too steep.  This was the first time I had been in the mountains ( I can't believe it either).  Halfway up Daddy and Mommy were thinking that it wouldn't even happen, because it seemed like I was getting a little crabby.  My parents were thinking that it might have been bothering my ears, and ear aches.  That quickly passed and I took a little nap, up the mountain.  By the time we were at the top I was ready to go. 

I really didn't know about this hiking thing.
(Mommy & Daddy attached some of my
toys to the backpack to ensure I was
properly entertained at all times)

Ohh, Daddy carries me.
Man, it's bright out here
(maybe I need to get some shades) 

Hiking is Oh-Kay, since Daddy gets to do all the work. 

I just learned that phrase (Oh-Kay) since we took that
road to our hike. 

First family photo in the mountains. 

What is Daddy looking at?

Ohh, I know what this is, it's a Christmas tree.  

I thought I saw a bear. 


Peek a boo. 

Me and my Mommy (seriously, how cute are we?).

Aww this is the life, enjoying a bottle with a view.  

Nature pose.

Ooh, a pine cone, where'd that come from? 

While I was napping...

Mommy & Daddy enjoyed the pretty view

Getting ready to head back to town...what, I can't sit in the front seat?!

Daddy developed a little thirst during the hike, so he suggested that we head to a local brew pub for a couple drinks. Don't worry I didn't drive.  I actually think that Daddy had the drinks idea planned ahead of time.  It was my first time at a bar, and probably not the last.  I liked it a lot, because there was a lot happening around me to look at.  I really liked the ceiling fan.  Strangest thing was, I didn't even get carded. 

Drinks all around.  Cheers!

Um, Daddy should I be here?

I guess if Mommy says it OK. 

Wait, which way should we be looking?

Is this my first drink at the brew pub?

 I finished mine first!

Daddy what are you doing? 
You're always embarrassing me. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

30 Weeks

So another week in the books.  I feel like I have grown up so much.  I'm not even a baby any more I'm a big girl.  I can sit up all by myself without any safety pillows (even though my parents still put them around me.)  I also think that I'm going to start walking anytime now (of course with the assistance of my walker toy that I got from the Easter Bunny).  Well, maybe not...but, my parents have high hopes for me.  I'm just not really into crawling (I don't even like to be on my tummy), so i'm not sure i'll be a "crawler."  I'd rather just skip all the silly games and jump into walking!
Daycare has been cool.  I like all my classmates, even the ones Mommy and Daddy tell me to stay away from. But, I think I might be in trouble. You see Daddy found another boys bottle in my bag.  I swear we didn't do anything.  We're just friends.  Ohhh yeah this other day during daycare, I got caught talking to myself in the mirror.  Mommy said that is just another trait I got from Daddy.  She says that he is always talking to himself. 

Hey Purdy, what are you doing up here?

Man my ear is bothering me
(what's new? darn these ear infections!).

Just a little self portrait, I see these shots on Facebook
all the time. 

Patches, I'm glad you joined me. 

Not sure what to say here. 

Bianca the kitty joined the party.   
Please don't take Bianca away from me.