Tuesday, April 17, 2012

30 Weeks

So another week in the books.  I feel like I have grown up so much.  I'm not even a baby any more I'm a big girl.  I can sit up all by myself without any safety pillows (even though my parents still put them around me.)  I also think that I'm going to start walking anytime now (of course with the assistance of my walker toy that I got from the Easter Bunny).  Well, maybe not...but, my parents have high hopes for me.  I'm just not really into crawling (I don't even like to be on my tummy), so i'm not sure i'll be a "crawler."  I'd rather just skip all the silly games and jump into walking!
Daycare has been cool.  I like all my classmates, even the ones Mommy and Daddy tell me to stay away from. But, I think I might be in trouble. You see Daddy found another boys bottle in my bag.  I swear we didn't do anything.  We're just friends.  Ohhh yeah this other day during daycare, I got caught talking to myself in the mirror.  Mommy said that is just another trait I got from Daddy.  She says that he is always talking to himself. 

Hey Purdy, what are you doing up here?

Man my ear is bothering me
(what's new? darn these ear infections!).

Just a little self portrait, I see these shots on Facebook
all the time. 

Patches, I'm glad you joined me. 

Not sure what to say here. 

Bianca the kitty joined the party.   
Please don't take Bianca away from me. 

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